Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Pilonidal Cysts Prevention and Treatment Tips

Pilonidal cyst is a cyst at the bottom of the tailbone that can become infected and filled with pus. Pilonidal disease consists of a spectrum of entities ranging from asymptomatic hair containing cysts and sinuses to a large abscess in the sacrococcygeal area. A pilonidal cyst can be painful enough to make sitting or walking difficult, and in some cases pus or blood may drain from the pit. A traumatic event is not believed to cause a pilonidal cyst, such an event that has been known to inflame an existing cyst. It is more common in men than in women. It usually happens in young people up into the fourth decade of life. Men are affected two to three times more often than are women, and the cysts typically affect those younger than 40.

Risk factors for pilonidal disease include male gender, hirsute individuals. Pilonidal disease affects approximately 26 per 100,000 people. Pilonidal disease commonly affects adults in the second to third decade of life. The average age of presentation is 21 years for men and 19 years for women. It is common to find hair follicles inside the cyst. Pilonidals can go dormant for years at a time, lulling their owner into a false sense of escape. The main concern is infection, which can result in a painful abscess. Signs and symptoms of an abscess include pain, localized swelling, redness, fever and drainage of pus. Treatment of pilonidal disease is straightforward.

Surgery on a cyst in the natal cleft involves cutting out the skin and sinus in this area.

Varying methods are used to either pack the wound, or marsupialize it (suture it partially and even completely). Remove any hair from this area on a regular basis. Clean the area daily with glycerin soap, which tends to be less irritating. Washing briskly with a washcloth helps keep the area free of hair accumulation. Keep the area clean and dry. Avoid sitting for long periods of time. Shaving of hair around the abscess or sinus should be considered to prevent recurrence. Keep the area clean and dry. Don't use powders, oils or herbal remedies on this area. Meticulous hygiene should be encouraged. Between 60% and 80% of people heal after a minor procedure to open and clean the infected cyst

Pilonidal cyst - Prevention and Treatment Tips

1. Remove any hair from this area on a regular basis.
2. Shaving or depilatory creams work well.
3. Clean the area daily with glycerin soap, which tends to be less irritating.
4. Keep the area clean and dry. Don't use powders, oils or herbal remedies on this area.
5. Avoid sitting for long periods of time.
6. Don't use powders, oils or herbal remedies on cyst area.
7. Keep the area clean and dry.
8. Avoid sitting for long periods of time.

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