Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Natural sore throat cures

A sore throat is typically caused by a virus like the common cold, flu or Epstein Barr. In some cases it can be caused by bacteria like strep or mycoplasma. A recurrent painful throat is more likely to be caused by allergy, acid reflux, overuse of the voice, sinusitis or an underlying chronic infection.

If strep is diagnosed your doctor will prescribe a 10 day course of antibiotics - usually penicillin or amoxicillin. Your symptoms should subside within 2-3 days of taking antibiotics. Even though you may feel better it is important that you finish the whole course of antibiotics as prescribed. Do not return to work or school until you have taken antibiotics for 24 hours and symptoms have subsided. During and after strep throat treatment with an antibiotic, acidophillus bacteria should be taken to replenish the healthy gastrointestinal flora of the body.

Gargle for a solid couple of minutes. If the viral infection is in the beginning stages, you can cure yourself in about 2 to 3 hours. If it's already bad, gargle every 15 minutes to half an hour. If you use it, it will cause your sore throat to disappear. Why? It's a stimulant herb but it also is a stimulant, tonic, carminative, sialogogue (stimulates the secretion of saliva), stomachic, rubefacient, pungent, alterative, astringent, antispasmodic, sudorific, emetic, antiseptic, condiment, and anti-rheumatic herb.

Some viruses are latent viruses that remain in the body for life, and can be reactivated when you are run down or under stress. Examples are the Epstein Barr virus that causes mononucleosis or glandular fever, and the herpes virus that causes recurrent cold sores and ulcers. When these viruses recur infective symptoms like a painful throat, fever and malaise are common.

Sore throat (pharyngitis) is a painful inflammation of the pharynx, which is the part of the throat that lies between the mouth and the larynx (voice box). Sore throat is often a symptom of various illnesses such as colds and flu, glandular fever, respiratory tract infections, tonsillitis, and chickenpox. While most sore throats heal without complications, in some cases, they develop into a serious illness.

Herbal immune system enhancers such as echinacea and goldenseal or Oregon grape root are effective when you have a sore throat that is caused by a cold or flu. The wonder herb, garlic, can also prove helpful when battling illness, since it will ward off harmufl bacteria or viruses. Try to add raw garlic to your salad and other dishes.

You can buy commercial preparations of ginger syrup which combine ginger, Manuka honey and apple cider vinegar. Alternatively make your own up by adding 1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger to 1 teaspoon of honey with added apple cider vinegar to taste. Sip the syrup straight off the spoon or dissolve it in hot water to soothe the pain and heal the throat.

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