Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Causes, Symptomsand Treatments Of Upper Stomach Pain

Sometimes, people see their doctors for stomach pain that they think is caused by an ulcer, but it isn't. Although you may have gnawing upper abdominal pain, diagnostic tests don't reveal an ulcer or other digestive problem.As the name suggests, upper stomach pain is a pain experienced in the upper portion of the belly region. There can be a number of reasons for the occurrence of this type of pain. It can be quite severe, long-lasting and chronic at times, while at other times it can be merely a short lived condition. However, the exact location of the pain determines its root cause.

What is abdominal pain?
Ordinarily, we are unaware of any of the actions of the organs in the abdomen or any discomfort from activities such as eating, movement of food through the intestines, or bowel movements. Nerves are constantly monitoring activities in the body, and when those messages are transmitted to the brain and come into consciousness as unpleasant sensations, we may sense pain or discomfort.

Causes and Symptoms Of Upper Stomach Pain
Abdominal pain is caused by inflammation (for example, appendicitis, diverticulitis, colitis ), by stretching or distention of an organ (for example, obstruction of the intestine, blockage of a bile duct by gallstones, swelling of the liver with hepatitis), or by loss of the supply of blood to an organ (for example, ischemic colitis).

Respiratory symptoms
In over 90% of patients with sarcoidosis, whether or not they show outward signs of the disease, abnormalities almost always show up on a chest x-ray. These include swelling and inflammation of the lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy) in the chest and, less commonly, a mottled (having colored spots and blotches) appearance to the lungs.

Stomach Ulcer
Stomach ulcer, also called gastric ulcer literally to an ulcer occurring in the wall of the stomach. This often happens due to erosion of the lining of the wall of the stomach and the formation of an ulcer crater.

Swollen lymph nodes (adenopathy)
There are two sets of thoracic lymph nodes that are commonly affected: the hilar (where the bronchial tubes enter the lungs) and mediastinal (the region in the center of the chest just outside of the lungs).

Gastritis is inflammation of the wall of the stomach. This causes irritation and mild erosion, but no ulcer. It often follows period of stress, or excessive consumption of alcohol or binge drink.

Treatments Of upper Stomach pain

The extent of surgery depends on the extent of the disease. Endoscopic mucosal resection may be used to treat early stomach cancer (i.e., tumor smaller than 3 cm that has not invaded beyond the innermost layer of the stomach lining [submucosa]). This procedure involves removing only the tumor and surrounding tissue.

Chemotherapy involves using drugs to destroy cancer cells. This treatment may be used after surgery to destroy remaining cancer cells and prevent recurrence (adjuvant treatment). Chemotherapy drugs may be administered orally or through an IV (i.e., through a vein) and treatment often is administered on an outpatient basis.

Natural Backache Remedy

Trigger points should be at the top of the list during any examination for back pain. When healthcare practitioners have had adequate training and experience, trigger points are easy to locate and treat. In fact, there are ways to treat them yourself quite efficiently and effectively.

Self-applied trigger point massage is an appropriate and unusually effective remedy for back pain, because it goes to the source of the problem. It’s only a matter of knowing where to look for the right trigger points and knowing the right techniques to use.

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