Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Many symptoms of menopause onset

Menopause is a life period that will be experienced by every woman, sooner or later. It isn't a disease that should be avoided because menopause is something that occurs naturally. Some symptoms and complaints which are felt become the reason why should do a treatment. Women not feel comfortable to handle all that is felt and makes them want to get rid of all symptoms and complaints.

When a woman enters menopause period, she will feel some changes by physically and emotionally. These changes make women not feel comfortable with their own body. Cause of these changes is reduction in several important hormones inside the body and gives bad effect such as hormone imbalance.

There are many symptoms of menopause onset that is felt by women, namely:

1. Menopause occurs because hormonal changes and as a side effect, body will find it difficult to regulate temperature. Women will get heat sensation or often referred to as hot flashes. This will make them sweat for a few seconds or minutes.

2. Besides have bad experience with hot flashes, there is also a possibility that women will experience night sweats. This will occur at night and usually occurs before bedtime. Excessive sweating will make women feel coldness as a side effect of night sweats.

3. Women will experience sleep disturbances, this could be due to night sweats or stress.

4. Heart would beat so quickly and sometimes erratic. This will more often be felt when experiencing hot flashes or night sweats.

5. Emotional changes, women became irritable, sad, disappointed or worried about something and weepy. They have a tendency to experience stress and depression.

6. Desire to have sexual intercourse is decline. This is due to vagina not supple and dry. Women will be tortured during sexual intercourse due to pain.

7. Menstruation becomes irregular. Indeed, this complaint is felt when a woman is still have some perimenopause symptoms but will still be felt when entering menopause. But at this period, menstruation may stop.

8. Body is susceptible to fatigue and decreased endurance.

9. The ability to focus and concentration will be reduced and even some women have decreased memory ability. There is a possibility that some of them easy to experience dementia.

11. Women are very susceptible to obesity and this will make them very close to different diseases such as diabetes and cholesterol.

12. Women will experience hair loss and graying hair.

13. The skin becomes irritated and allergy, it is caused by hot flashes and night sweats.

14. Women become vulnerable to several dangerous diseases such as osteoporosis or cancer.

That's symptoms of menopause onset will be felt by women, prepare yourself from now on, as well to overcome all these symptoms.

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