Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

Sports and weight loss

You are to show that exercise does not lose weight. Sport is useful to better harmonize the silhouette. It can melt the fat at the same time if there is a low calorie diet. But if while you exercise, you eat more, you will gain weight faster than if you did not play sports.

If you eat more just because you have an increased appetite, you do not lose weight from it.
Conclusions: Lower your ration of ways to lose a pound a week. If you are hungry, do not eat, drink fresh water instead.

To lose fat, the workout should last at least 45 minutes. A workout of 45 minutes you will lose the equivalent of a bar of 4 squares of chocolate! Do not be too hasty and especially understand that it is easier to not ingesting calories than exercise to lose them then!

By assiduously plan, you will lose a pound a week. Once the desired ideal weight reached, it will take many months of effort to get an athletic body. Patience!

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