Selasa, 22 November 2011

Define Narcolepsy

Rough definition of narcolepsy is a disease easy to sleep, the opposite of insomnia, a disease where people can sleep very much at all, can be up to> 20 hours a day.

Can sleep while the road, ride motorcycles, or lead a meeting. The causes can range from psychological and physical, attacking anyone and does not depend on age.

Those who would ever watch the movie Rat Race (comedy) story of a unique race among some people to get to a location, who was first to get some money, the actual participants race betting had become the object of a gambling club. In this film there is a character played by Rowan Atkinson aka Mr. Bean, in which time he again ran, he could fall asleep, middle of the road anyway.

Because it's in the movie, I'm not so sure until one day I see patients with Narcolepsy. It is said that first-class people with Narcolepsy can indeed fall asleep while walking or driving a motor, coincidentally, my campus was suddenly booming this disease, so I want to tell you much about it.

Physically, there are some patients with narcolepsy who have impaired lung function and breathing. But there is also when undergoing a test sleep, known to have high levels of up to a dozen dreams, normal people have a level of 1-2 last night dream

Noted that some bank officials, suffer from this disease and should seek treatment in Singapore, and I happened to see the coverage on TV about this disease. Indeed there is a drug that can not sleep 3 days, and it is usually given as therapy.

Reduce Depression With Melatonin

This hormone has been shown to have some antidepressant effects, and decreased melatonin can trigger symptoms of depression.

A biologist Joan Roberts was the first to discover the relationship between light and health. He found such a correlation in his study in animal experiments which provided treatment by artificial lights on all night.

Once observed, Roberts measuring levels of the hormone melatonin in the animal body and discovered the fact that amount will be decreasing with low body resistance to disease.

Roberts concluded that the lights (including the emission from the television screen) can cause decreased levels of the hormone melatonin in the body that will affect the lower resistance to disease and cause the body to become weak.

Recent research presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, describes the correlation between light and depression levels. In his journal that the study concluded was the night shift workers and others who are always exposed to light at night would increase the risk of mood disorders or depression.

Tracy Bedrosian, a doctoral student in neuroscience at Ohio State University, who conducted research on squirrels, also identifies that the brain changes in squirrel arising from fluctuations in the production of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin signals to the body that was the night the day, but the light at night inhibits melatonin hormone production.

What is Melatonin

The hormone melatonin or N-acetyl-5-metoksitriptamin is the primary regulatory hormone that serves to organize and maintain circadian rhythms (body clock system plays an important role in regulating the time for sleeping and waking).

The hormone melatonin is mainly made by the pineal gland and some are made in small intestine and retina. Production of the hormone melatonin is influenced by the level of ambient light intensity, and will always grow much, if humans are in a dark environment and silence, but its production will be inhibited by the presence of external stimuli, such as bright light and electromagnetic fields.

Melatonin Benefits

As a hormone which has the main function create good quality sleep, the hormone melatonin has the following functions:

• Maintain harmony of cellular metabolism, maintaining the efficiency / effectiveness of the cell, making the cells are not easily damaged, so - increase the cell resistance against various disturbances from outside.
• Affects the immune system
• Affecting the organs of the body, especially at work during sleep
• Affects one's psychological health, especially for mood. Someone lack of sleep will have low melatonin levels so impaired feeling (mood) as easily agitated, tiredness, irritability.
• Serving as a natural system that regulates the body's aging.
• Makes sleep more soundly thus improving the quality of sleep.
• Helps the body fight cancer cells such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, Parkinson's disease, and cardiac arrhythmias.
• Melatonin plays optimally encourage antioxidant activity within the body thereby preventing DNA damage-induced carcinogenic substances cause cancer and dismiss its growth mechanism.

Senin, 21 November 2011

What are some strategies for coping with stress?

We'd better try some creative strategies that can be done easily for coping with stress. Life through which each human being, it is definitely not going to regardless of the stress.

Starting from ordinary people, officials, comedian, stress can approach anyone. But perhaps often forgotten by us, is not forever, and not all problems giving birth state of stress. Sometimes, with strength and confidence we are able to change the problem or challenge, and free from stress.

Unfortunately, many of us make the problem or challenge as something that makes us frustrated and depressed. Actually it's natural, but if the symptoms are protracted then it will endanger ourselves both physically and psychologically.

Sometimes, some people, should set aside time to visit a psychologist or psychiatrist to cope with their problems. Actually, there is nothing wrong with healing methods such as asking experts such as psychologists or psychiatrists, but instead of having to pay more, we'd better try some creative strategies that can be done easily for coping with stress.

1. Get hobby
Everyone must have a hobby in itself. Regardless what kind of hobby, provided that the hobby does not interfere with health and social environment, the hobby will be able to give positive feelings for ourselves, release positive energy and as a form of catharsis (impingement annoyance), so as to treat a person's stress. As an example of a hobby exercise is an excellent strategy rid of stress and make us healthy and vibrant.

2. Always laughing
Find a friend who likes to do things - things funny, or watch a movie - a comedy. Laughter can stimulate nerves in the brain that will provide positive feelings in us. In addition, laughter is also capable of being our youth, the face of so much brighter and without us knowing we will forget our problems.

3. Try relaxation
Sitting by regulating breathing to calm down and closed his eyes will help us to relax for a moment from the bustle and the burden of daily routine. While relaxation, focus your mind on pleasant things by imagining. Imagining ourselves have achieved a dream - a dream which we want. Relax in a quiet environment, cool and clean air will help the relaxation process becomes more focused. Relaxation is done 20 minutes to 60 minutes per day has been a great help our bodies to be strong for coping all kinds of stress.

4. Distributes stress
Having a friend who is always ready to listen to us the moment have a problem will greatly help us to expend energy - energy from the negative consequences of stress in our bodies. Vent with a friend helps us to find the best solution in dealing with our problems. Vent also gives a positive feeling because it illustrates that we have people - people who care about us.

5. Eating chocolate, ice cream, favorite foods
Eat chocolate and ice cream can stimulate the brain to produce nerve feeling happy and able to relieve the burden of stress. Especially if the chocolate or ice cream is our favorite food.

Stress is part of the normal process of our lives, so we do not have to worry too much in the deal. The more we feel burdened or dissolved in the problem, then the stress will become a disruptive symptoms. If symptoms of stress tert continues, then suggested we visit the new experts such as psychologists or psychiatrists. However, if we are able to practice some strategies - simple strategies above and make it a daily habit, we will have a strong body and can override the stress with ease.

Schizophrenia In Child

Schizophrenia in child is a rare form in which the onset of illness before the 13th anniversary of the patients. Incidence less than 1/10.000 births with predominant cases boys a little more.

The disease is rarely observed before age 5 years and often occur in families with less educated and successful work. Intelligence of patients ranged from a low-average to average. Schizophrenia is a neurological developmental disorder characterized by cognitive deficits, affective and social relations. Although rare Schizophrenia in child, the incidence of schizophrenia increased steadily after the age of puberty. This disorder is often a chronic condition, with a long course of the disease.

The pattern of behavior prior to the enforcement of diagnoses include attention problems / relationships with others, inhibition of behavior patterns early, the withdrawal and are more sensitive children. These disorders can be observed in the presence of additional conditions such as abnormalities in relationship with others, an inability to learn, mental retardation and autism. The prognosis becomes worse if onset occurs before age 10 years with personal disorders mentioned above.

Schizophrenia is not a common disease in child and difficult to recognize in the early period of disease progression. The exact cause of schizophrenia remains unknown until now. Recent research has suggested a combination of changes in the brain, bio-chemical, genetic and environmental factors may be the cause of schizophrenia. Immediate diagnosis and appropriate medical treatment is important because schizophrenia is a lifelong disease that can be controlled but not cured.

Learning More About Schizophrenia

Although an exact definition of schizophrenia ( some people says: schizo, schizophrenic, skitzophrenic, schizophrenic, skitsofrenic, skitzofrenic, scitsofrenic, schiz, esquizofrenia ) has always been debated by experts, there are indications that more and more apparent that schizophrenia is a disorder that occurs in brain function.

In the book The Broken Brain: The Biological Revolution in Psychiatry, written by Dr. Nancy Andreasen, said that the current evidence about the attack Schizophrenia is a matter that involves many factors. These factors include changes in the physical structure of the brain, changes in chemical structure of the brain, and genetic factors.

In the brain, there are billions of cell connections. Each cell connections become a place to forward and receive messages from other cell connections. Connection cells release chemicals called neurotransmitters, which carry messages from one cell end of the connection to the other end of the cell connection. In the brain afflicted with schizophrenia, there is a fault or damage to communication systems.

For families with people with schizophrenia in it, will understand clearly what is experienced by patients with schizophrenia by comparing the brain with the phone. In a normal person, the system switches on the brain to work normally. Perceptual signals that come shipped back perfectly without any interference resulting in feelings, thoughts, and finally take action as needed at that time. In the brains of people with schizophrenia, these signals being sent to crash, so it does not successfully achieve the targeted cell connection.

Schizophrenia is formed in stages where families and people do not realize there was something wrong in his brain, within a period of time. The damage this slowly, eventually becoming an insidious schizophrenia. Symptoms that occur slowly, it could be acute schizophrenia. Periods of acute schizophrenia is a disorder that is short and strong, which include hallucinations, deception thoughts (delusions), and failure to think.

Schizophrenia sometimes a sudden attack. Very dramatic changes in behavior that occurs within a few days or weeks. The sudden attack is always triggered the acute period quickly. Some people develop a lifelong disorder, but many are able to return to normal life in the acute period. Most found that they were excluded, suffering from severe depression, and can not function as normal people in their environment.
In some cases, attacks can be increased to what is called chronic schizophrenia. Patients with a savage, lost character as a man in social life, have no motivation at all, depression, and lack of sensitivity about his own feelings.

Psychiatrists distinguish symptoms of schizophrenia into two, namely the positive and negative symptoms.

Positive symptoms of schizophrenia

Hallucinations always occurred when the stimulus is too strong and the brain is not able to interpret and respond to messages or stimuli that come. People with schizophrenia may hear voices or see things that are not there, or experienced an unusual sensation in his body. Auditory hallucinations, symptoms that usually occur, ie the patient felt no sound from within itself. Sometimes it felt soothing voice, bring peace, but sometimes the voice told him to do something really dangerous, like suicide.

Misdirection of thoughts (delusions) is a strong belief in interpreting something that is sometimes contrary to reality. For example, in patients with schizophrenia, traffic lights on the highway that are red yellow green, regarded as a signal from outer space. Some people turn into a paranoid schizophrenia. They always felt being scrutinized, staked, or about to be attacked.

Failure of thinking leads to problems, where patients with schizophrenia are unable to process and organize his thoughts. Most people are not able to understand the relationship between reality and logic. Because people with schizophrenia are not able to organize his thoughts, get them talking randomly and can not be captured by logic. Inability of thinking resulted in the inability to control emotions and feelings. The result, patients with schizophrenia sometimes laughed to himself or talking to himself out loud regardless of surroundings.

All that makes patients with schizophrenia can not understand who he is, not dressed, and could not understand what it was human. He also could not understand when he was born, where he is, and so on.

Negative symptoms of schizophrenia

Patients with schizophrenia lose motivation and apathy mean the loss of energy and interest in life that makes people become lazy people. Because people with schizophrenia have only a little energy, they can not do other things besides sleep and eat.

Create emotional feelings blunted in patients with schizophrenia to be flat. People with schizophrenia do not have a good expression of his countenance and gesture, as if he did not have any emotions. But this does not mean that people with schizophrenia can not feel anything. They might be able to receive gifts and attention of others, but could not express their feelings.

Depression who do not know the feeling of wanting to help and hope, always be a part of life in patients with schizophrenia. They do not feel have behavior disorders, relationships can not build relationships with others, and did not know love. Feelings of depression is something that is very painful. In addition, the biological brain changes also contributed to the depression.

Sustained depression in patients with schizophrenia will make a withdraw from their environment. They always feel safe when alone.

In some cases, schizophrenia attacked the young man between 15 to 30 years, but attacks mostly occur at the age of 40 years and over. Schizophrenia can affect anyone regardless of gender, race, or socioeconomic level. It is estimated that patients with schizophrenia by 1% of the total human being on earth.

Schizophrenia can not be cured until now. But with the help of psychiatrist and medication, schizophrenia can be controlled. Recovery does sometimes occur, but can not be predicted. In some cases, the patient became better than before. Relief of symptoms is always visible within the first 2 years after patients were treated, and gradually became rare after 5 years of treatment. At the advanced age, over 40 years, life in patients with schizophrenia who were treated, the better, the administered dose will decrease, and frequency of treatment will be increasingly rare.

The Weird Mental Disorders

People who appear normal in life, it can also suffer from weird mental disorder.

Then what weird mental disorder but is rarely seen by people around him? Here are 10 weird mental disorder that could have been suffered by friends around us, without us knowing it.

1. Ablutomania: maniac to wash hands
Patients Ablutomania wants everything was hygienic. When his hand hit the dirt a little, then she would quickly wash her ​​hands.

2. Trichotillomania: a passion for the hair itself
The disorder is also called 'trich'. Sufferers have a huge desire to pluck the hair and feathers. Including the hair on the face (such as a mustache, beard, hair, etc.) until the hair on the body (such as chest hair, underarm hair, and so on)

3. Aboulomania: difficult to determine the decision
People with this disorder is very difficult to make decisions even to things that are very small though. Example: the color of what he wanted to write a book, or pen colors, and so on.

4. Enosimania: the constant belief that he is innocent
Sufferers believe that he has done an unforgivable sin and because of his fear Enosimania sufferers tend to have shortness of breath and rapid, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea and filled with a sense of fear.

5. Onomatomania: obsession to repeat words
Obsessed with repeating the same words and many times

6. Demonomania: believe in evil spirits entered
Demonomania always felt like evil spirits and felt disturbed by it.

7. Clinomania: obsession to stay in bed
Patients are not always able to escape from the bed. The desire to be in the bed was enormous. Well, it seems many people who suffer Clinomania especially when the weather is cold and cloudy.

8. Cartocacoethes: obsession to see the map
Obsessed to see the map are the characteristics of patients Cartocacoethes. Frequently until the food and drinks they also serve as image maps, so the amount of their desire to see the map.

9. Gamomania: obsession to apply
Perhaps this disorder suffered by the maniacs in love, so they are happy to apply some of the girls at once in about the same time.

10. Doromania: obsession to give a gift

Doramania have the obsession to give gifts to certain people so that he does not hesitate to sell the property or loan to another person just to give gifts to people who headed for. Provision is also not half-hearted, could be from as small as a pen, to a large like a car or house.

Define paranoia, paranoid, causes, symptoms and treatment.

Paranoia is defined as a mental illness in which a person believes that others want to harm him. Paranoia is defined as a mental disorder characterized by irrational suspicions.

Paranoid is defined as a sense of fear that can not be found and the cause we feel there are people who want to harm us. It also includes the suspicion that others will disappoint or bother us. Psychoanalytic theorists argue, that paranoid personality disorder is the result of the needs of the people to reject the true feelings and projecting these feelings into others. Then the cognitive theorists see the paranoid personality disorder as a result of a fundamental belief that the other person as being malevolent and deceptive, combined with a lack of confidence in defending himself against others.

Paranoid personality disorder  ( PPD ) is a condition where the individual characteristics can not be trusting and suspicious of others excessively. Told as a nuisance, if the behavior is its persistent, disturbing and depressing (distressing). However, this behavior is not called as a form of personality disorder if the behavior is caused by the emergence of schizophrenia, mood disorders (such as major depression) with psychotic symptoms, or other psychotic disorders (neurological factors), or causes caused by medical conditions.

Individuals with paranoid personality disorder is difficult to believe and suspect excessive when interacting with others, so feel afraid to get close to anyone, suspicious of strangers even though the person is not right for suspicion.

He has a few friends, it is difficult to trust others to make these individuals can not be invited to cooperate in a team. However, it does not mean paranoid personality disorder can not be married. Jealousy and a desire to control their partner, became the pathology in the relationship with her partner.

Almost every time an individual PPD difficult to stay calm for not suspecting others, sometimes they deliberately look for someone to become a suspect and deserves to be suspected. The fear that arises, it makes the individual can not do anything about it (nervous) when people are suspected to be close to him. Frequent rejection either by confrontation, aggressive, or dispute, they chose not to make friends with that person and chose himself to be alone.

Individuals with this disorder are usually suspicious, hypersensitive, rigid, anxious, and argumentative. They tend to see themselves as good, which has no defects, and rarely able to see the flaw itself, although he knew.

Characteristic of paranoid personality disorder is appreciation, not unreasonable, and distrust in others. People with this disorder believe that other people are chronically trying to deceive or cheat them or exploit them, and especially occupational (continuous) with respect to fidelity and traits that can be trusted than others. They are people who are very vigilant, to show the facts of their suspicions.

In addition, paranoid people are also very sensitive to criticism or potential criticism. People misinterpret paranoid or too overboard in interpreting situations they suspected. For example, a husband with a strong interpreting (interpreting) the joy his wife one night as proof that he has a relationship (affair) with another man at work.

Paranoid personality disorder symptoms

Some of the symptoms shown in paranoid personality disorder, among others, is

• Highly Suspicious excessive
• Believing in the existence of the hidden motives of others.
• Feeling will be exploited or betrayed by others.
• Inability of cooperating with others.
• Social isolation.
• Poor self image
• Attitude is not affected.
• Hostility.
• Continually bear grudges that by not forgiving loss, injury or negligence.
• Feeling the attack on the character or reputation that are not visible to others, and to quickly react angry and strike back.
• Reluctant to tell the secrets of others because of fear that is not necessary, that information will be used maliciously against him.
• Lack of a sense of humor.

Those who have this disorder showed a high demand to meet him, impressed rigid and even gave the charge to others. Due to their avoidance behavior towards closeness with other people makes them look very full calculation in the act and also memorable cold. From the results of the research found that most of these disorders are found in men than in women.


Specifically, the causes of the emergence of this disorder is still unknown, but often in a case arise in individuals who have family members with schizophrenia disorder, in other words, genetic factors still affecting. Paranoid personality disorder can also be caused by a bad childhood experience coupled with state of the environment that feels threatening. Parenting is likely to foster a sense of trust between the child with others, can also be the cause of development of this disorder


Treatment for paranoid personality disorder will be very effective for controlling paranoia (suspicious feelings excess), but it will always be difficult because the patient will always have the suspicion to the doctor or therapist who treated him. If left alone, the condition of the patient will become more chronic. Treatment performed, the system includes primary care, and also treatments that are outside the main treatment (supplement), such as programs to develop themselves, the support of families, lectures, home care, building honest to yourself, all of which will enhance and assist the process healing the patient. So expect the worst social consequences that are common of these disorders, such as family breakdown, job loss and also a place to live can be avoided to be experienced by the patient.


Medication or treatment for paranoid personality disorder generally not supported, a trend that usually arises is the growing suspicion of the patients who ultimately make withdrawal from therapy that has been undertaken. Experts point to a more focused form of treatment to the specific conditions of these disorders such as anxiety and delusions, in which the feeling is that a major problem damaging the normal functioning of mental patients. but for rapid response to patients who need emergency treatment then the use of drugs is very helpful, as when the patient begins to lose control of himself as a rage and attacked another ornag.


The difficulties faced by therapists in this disorder are not aware of the disorder sufferers in him and feel no need the help of therapists. Another difficulty faced by the therapist that the individual PDD difficult to accept the therapist's own, suspicion and distrust make treatment difficult.

Although people with paranoid personality disorder usually has its own initiative to do the treatment, but often also their own healing process stops prematurely. Likewise, the development of trust committed by the therapist to the client, which requires more attention, but it likely will remain complicated to be able to lead clients to build self confidence even though the stage has been completed.

Possible long-term for people with paranoid personality disorder are less good, most of which happen to future patients is the persistence of existing properties throughout their lives, but with effective treatment and is consistent then the cure for patients with clearly still open.

The method of self-development as a group may be made to the patient despite having a hard time implementation. High level of suspicion and distrust in people will make the presence of a support group to be useless or even worse can be destructive for the patient themselves.

Am i depressed or just sad?

From some of the causes and symptoms below, we can see, am I just sad or depressed already. Depression is a mood disease. Depression is more than just sad. Depression is sadness that is more intense and lasted too long.

There are various causes of depression:

1. Events in everyday life.
It is caused by psychological disorders, such as pressure from within his own concerns us, for example, when faced with pressure situations we do not want, because of social disruption, such as the abandoned wife or husband, boyfriend left, or shunned friends.

2. Changes in brain chemistry.
This is due to biological problems such as hormonal disturbances and changes in brain neurochemical systems.

3. Side effects of drugs
Approximately 5-10% of the general population experience depression. Women are twice as likely to experience depression than men. The results of the WHO study in 14 countries showed women two times more susceptible to depression. To prevent this, of course we need to know the main causes of depression

Being depressed is not a sign of weakness. It does not mean we are crazy. We will not just cope with it, over it. Do not expect to be depressed because we have a problem and do not assume you have depression because we get the pressures of life.

Symptoms of depression may vary among individuals. Most doctors suspect  if the patient reported that she felt sad or lost the passion for their daily activities. Chances are depressed when these feelings persist for two weeks or more, and we also have some of the following symptoms:

1. Fatigue or feeling sluggish and lethargic
2. Concentration difficulties
3. Decreased sexx drive
4. Sleep problems: get up early, or oversleeping
5. Feeling guilty, worthless, or hopeless
6. Decreased appetite or weight loss
7. Overeating

Depression can be treated with lifestyle changes, alternative therapies, and / or with treatment. Your doctor can help choose the therapy or combination therapy is most suitable for us. Do not attempt to self-medicate with alcohol or drugs because these substances may improve depressive symptoms and cause other problems.

Lifestyle changes can improve depression in some people. These changes include:

1. Regular exercise
2. Bask in the sun
3. Handling stress
4. Counseling
5. Regular sleeping
6. Relaxation
7. Meditation
8. Traditional therapy

Depression is a problem that affects the entire body, by interfering with physical health, thinking, feeling and behavior. The sooner we check, the sooner we can plan appropriate strategies to deal with this problem, which actually is a very real disruption on health.

How to avoid menstrual bloating?

Menstrual bloating is very often experienced by us some time, or during menstruation. Taste in the abdominal cavity like a lot of wind, and sometimes so lazy to eat, because the stomach feel full.

This condition occurs because some time before and at the beginning of menstruation in the abdominal cavity, precisely in the collection of fluid in the uterus occurs. This process triggers the sensation of the stomach feel full, or bloating

The best way to overcome menstrual bloating is actually consume a lot of water. Logically, if the body gets regular water intake is not required the collection of fluid in large quantities. This is why health experts still recommend the girls still consume as much water 6-8 glasses a day even if not thirsty.

Another important thing to avoid menstrual bloating is also recommended limiting the intake of salty snacks, since salt is known to cause the fluid collection. By limiting your intake of salt, meant to prevent the increasing number of fluid gathered in the body.

Foods that make you bloated

There are many foods that we consume daily can causing the stomach to be bloated. The following will be mentioned several foods that make you bloated.

• Limit your intake of foods such as cabbage, beans, cauliflower, prunes, and apricots. Nuts contain sugars that are difficult to digest, called oligosaccharides. Sugar should be broken down by bacteria in the gut. While cauliflower, cabbage, prunes and apricots contain sugars and starches that can cause gas and abdominal bloating.

• Limit chewing gum and carbonated beverages, especially with high levels of sorbitol.

• Dairy products and processed can make the intestines and cause abdominal distress bloating when trouble digesting lactose or milk sugar.

• Do not eat too fast so that enough signal to your body when to feel full, - Eat meals with small portions but frequently.

• Foods high in fiber such as whole bean can provide health benefits. Unfortunately, sometimes high-fiber foods can cause abdominal bloating. The experts recommend that you increase fiber intake gradually so the body can adjust. When eating foods high in fiber, should include water.

"The whole fiber absorbs water," said Joanne L Slavin, professor of food science and nutrition from the University of Minnesota. Drinking water will help the fiber move through the digestive system and prevent the occurrence of abdominal bloating and constipation.

What does constipation feel like, causes and prevention.

Did you ever suffer from constipation? If so, maybe you know what does constipation feel like? Actually, what is constipation ... some say, when attacked by constipation, feel like twisting ...The entire abdominal cavity feels chaotic, feel like uncertain. Bloating, nausea, and stomach feeling full, and make a decreased appetite. Constipation is a state of retained stool (feces) in the colon in a long time because of the difficulty spending. It happened because of the weakness or absence of peristaltic movements of the colon.

Chronic constipation is a dangerous condition because it can lead to other serious illnesses. Constipation causes the gathering body of toxins and waste that should be excluded, so that the toxins are sucked back into the blood and poison the whole system and cause disease. Therefore the contents of the stomach must be removed at least once a day.

Constipation in adults, pregnant women and in children, the cause could be different, could be due to diet, habits, and stress.

In adults
• an unbalanced diet, such as a lack of fiber foods (vegetables, fruits, beans, mashed rice, jelly, etc.).
• lack of fluid that causes soft stool is not even a hardened like a stone (not a lack of drinking 8 glasses of water per day)
• The habit of delaying bowel movements, this led to the desire to defecate, it has increasingly lost.
• Lack of motion activity and jobs that require sitting for too long. This causes the colon so the stool less hard work down
• mechanical disorders of the intestine such as cancer, inflammation of the bowel wall, bowel protruding and others. Disorders of the digestive tract that causes the digestive process is also disrupted, so that bowel movements become smooth and irregular.
• Side effects of certain medications such as antidepressant drugs, medicines and painkillers, iron supplements, calcium carbonate, aluminum carbonate antacid; some antidepressants and some anti-high blood pressure
• Use of laxatives on a long time. This is because the muscles of the rectum can no longer react naturally because of constantly being forced by laxatives. This usually occurs in women who used laxatives for slimming.
• emotions it can also cause constipation. People who are depressed or sad and experiencing stress often suffer from constipation. These emotions can affect peristaltic movements of the colon.

In pregnant women
• First, they often change dietary fiber foods into low-yield foods, or soft foods. So the body's production of waste is reduced.
• Second, the growing baby's birth canal because of the growth, causing rectum (anus) and colon (large intestine) depressed so that bowel movements become difficult.
• Third during the pregnancy hormone the body produces more progesterone. This causes the intestinal muscle movement becomes slower, so the process of removing waste body becomes blocked or difficult.

In children or babies
• less fiber, excessive intake of milk formula
• congenital abnormalities (intestinal or neural)
• drug toxicity, metabolic disorders, or psychological disorders (difficulty toilet training)
If constipation is held in a long time and can often lead to a more dangerous disease. Persistent constipation cause straining habit when defecating. It may cause dilation of blood vessels in the anus and the subsequent swelling and eventually arise anus bulge out, so there was piles (hemorrhoids). Hemorrhoids require more serious treatment of constipation, because the problem is more complex. Not only is it difficult to defecate, but there has been a bulge out of the anus that cause uncomfortable and painful condition. Prolonged constipation can also trigger the occurrence of tumors in the colon, because the substances and harmful impurities that have spent too long to settle in the intestine, so that would be toxic that trigger cancerous cell or carcinogenic.

Prevent constipation
Handling both constipation in adults, pregnant women and children and infants, the most secure in a natural way. To prevent this, a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet should be applied.

Here are some things that must be considered to prevent constipation

• consuming foods rich in fiber like fruits and vegetables. Fiber works to suck the water so the stools become soft and easily removed, fiber can also help remove cholesterol from the intestine.
• Drink water at least 2 liters a day. Water helps the digestive process of food ie food that softens and dissolves the water soluble, so that the juices easily absorbed food and food waste (feces) does not harden.
• Reduce drinking coffee or soft drinks that contain caffeine
• Infants who drink formula usually hardened feces. To soften it needs to be given food fruits and vegetables.
• Do not delay bowel movements, bowel habit every day,
• Conducting gestures such as exercising in order to facilitate the body's metabolism.
• Do not sit too long throughout the day, interspersed with a walk.

Minggu, 20 November 2011

Is constipation a sign of pregnancy?

The most common early sign of pregnancy is constipation. This is due to an increase in the hormone progesterone which can cause digestive work more slowly.

Symptoms of constipation can vary from one person to another. Some people feel bloated, and when defecating spherule shaped like rabbit droppings. Others have difficulty defecating. Someone said to have constipation if the bowel movement fewer than three times a week.

Complaints of constipation during pregnancy can actually be prevented, so there must always be experienced. Even normally be increasingly felt in late pregnancy. This is because their baby's head begins to fall and hit the gut.

Decreased peristalsis in the gastrointestinal tract

Thus, movement of food in the intestine of pregnant women are slower than usual. This is what also causes the stomach feel full and bloated, but maybe just eat a little. Decreased peristaltic motion is caused by increased levels of the hormone progesterone in a pregnant woman's body.

Actually, the increased production of this hormone aims to provide a relaxing effect on smooth muscle in the uterus. That way, the baby can stay in the womb until enough time to be born. Only, because both consist of smooth muscle, gastrointestinal tract involved be affected. Join the movement slowed intestinal peristalsis that facilitates the occurrence of constipation. However, this slowdown in fact be advantageous, because the absorption of food better. For pregnancy, of course it was important for the mother and fetus of nutrition.

Incorrect diet or poor diet

Usually, a pregnant mother to be "difficult" to eat. It was evident from his attitude that became very picky. Typically, pregnant women prefer to snack, or if they eat, the food chosen is less fiber. Well, because less fiber is then constipation occurs.

Lack of drinking

Due to rapid stomach feel bloated or full due to the slow peristaltic earlier, pregnant women are usually reluctant to drink a lot. Moreover, because pregnancy makes women become more frequent urination, then deliberately reduced the amount of water they drink. Though less drinking will cause the stools to be hard, so hard to be issued and there was constipation.

Hirschsprung disease and hemorrhoids

Although rare, constipation in pregnancy can also be caused by disorders that had been there since before pregnancy. Example, intestinal valve abnormalities called Hirschsprung disease. The disease is caused by congenital abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract innervation at the end of which resulted in the dirt so hard to pass. If the situation lightly, in the period before pregnancy, Hirschsprung may not cause interference. New at the time of pregnancy, in which abnormalities coupled with other factors, then there was constipation.

In addition, during pregnancy the mother is also not infrequently experienced hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can indeed come from before the pregnancy, but this new disorder generally occurs during pregnancy. Hemorrhoids appear later, initially caused by the relaxation of vascular smooth muscle as a result of rising levels of progesterone. These hemorrhoids will become more severe, if a mother should always be pushing each time the poop. This alone makes the pushing action of existing hemorrhoids worse and feels the pain, in fact rarely bled.

As a result, pregnant women become increasingly afraid to defecate, plus the constant bleeding is not impossible tails anemia. In the meantime, if you stool stuck too long in the colon, the water content will be absorbed again so there was hardening. The process of defecation even more problems later, and constipation will get worse.

Here are 4 tips to relieve constipation during pregnancy.

1. Exercise regularly
Exercise can help prevent constipation. No need vigorous exercise, simply by running lighter then the waste water could run more smoothly.

2. Drink plenty of water
During pregnancy, water absorption by the intestine will increase. The water will be used also for fetal growth. That's because, pregnant women should drink more water so that feces contain enough water so it is more easily removed.

3. Taking vitamin and mineral supplements
Several types of supplements can cause bloating and constipation.
Research shows that if a pregnant woman should take a calcium supplement, choose one that is easily soluble. Antacids (antacids) that contain aluminum can also cause constipation so be sure to avoid it. Consult your doctor before taking supplements to ensure safety.

4. Laxative
Some pregnant women may need to take laxatives to relieve constipation. Laxatives work as surfactants to lower the voltage between the walls of the intestines and feces so that bowel movements more smoothly.

How to fix your constipation?

If you've found a sign of constipation, it can be fix with non-pharmacological therapy (lifestyle modifications) and pharmacological therapy.

Constipation is a symptom of unsatisfactory defecation, which is marked by a bowel movement fewer than three times a week, or difficulty in stool evacuation due to hard stools.

It is characterized by symptoms of straining, hard stools, feeling of the existence of barriers to the rectum, stool evacuation manually, and bowel movements less than three times per week. Constipation can become chronic if the symptoms are found two or more of six symptoms within at least 12 weeks, other symptoms to watch out for is the existence of drastic weight loss, change in bowel habit, bleeding through the anus, and often suffer from stomach cramps.

Constipation can be divided into two kinds. Which is, primary and secondary. Called primary because it is functional or idiopathic constipation, usually no known cause. The so-called secondary or organic constipation is constipation that is caused by a disease / condition, such as diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, anxiety, depression and other illnesses. If you've found a sign of constipation, it can be fix with non-pharmacological therapy (lifestyle modifications) and pharmacological therapy.

Non-pharmacological therapies, performed by increasing physical activity, avoid medicines that can cause constipation, increase the concentration of fiber consumed and drink enough, and fix habits bowel movement, such as avoid the pushing and getting pooped after a meal or a time deemed appropriate. While pharmacological therapy carried out with soften the stool, increased peristalsis, or bowel movements with an osmotic laxative (lactulose) and a stimulant laxative

Here are practical tips how to fix your constipation

1. Make sure you are not in a state of dehydration. One of the main characteristics of the body in a state of dehydration is the reduced frequency of micturition and urine color is darker than usual.

2. If indeed the body had signs of dehydration, drink extra fluids according to the ability to taste.

3. Once you are pretty sure are not in a state of dehydration, do not force yourself to drink more. This proved to be effective against constipation, and will cause discomfort in the abdomen.

4. Use laxatives that have been proven effective and can be obtained free at Pharmacies. If laxatives are not also solve your problem, then you should go to the doctor to make sure no serious digestive disorders.

The Definition of Heart Attack

The definition of heart attack (also known as myocardial infarction) is the death of heart muscle from the sudden obstruction of a coronary artery by a blood clot.

Coronary arteries are blood vessels that supply the heart muscle with blood and oxygen. Obstruction of the coronary arteries seize or remove oxygen from the blood and heart muscle, causing injury to the heart muscle. There are wounds of the heart muscle causes chest pain and feeling (sensation) chest pressure.

If blood flow is not restored back to the heart muscle within 20 to 40 minutes, death of heart muscle that can not be restored again, will begin to happen. Muscle continues to die for six to eight hours, at which time the heart attack usually is "fully". Heart muscle that dies eventually replaced by scar tissue.

Approximately one million Americans suffer heart attacks each year. Four hundred thousand of them died, as a result of a heart attack.

Relation of calcium and constipation

Consumption of calcium does have a significant relation with constipation, but constipation will occur when we over-consumption of calcium, which is more than 2500 mg per day.

To that end, if you are taking calcium supplements, then consume these supplements in the recommended amount is about 1200-1300 mg per day for adults.

To prevent constipation while you are taking calcium supplements, then you can compensate by consuming foods rich in magnesium such as fruit, nuts, seeds, cashew nuts, peas, cabbage, fish, etc., and drink more water.

For calcium supplements, then you should divide your calcium intake, for example, if you consume 1000 mg of calcium then eat into each of these 500 mg 2 times a day, eg after breakfast and dinner.

Calcium supplements can have a mild binding effect but by themselves don’t usually cause serious constipation. But if you’re taking another supplement or medication that binds the stool, the addition of calcium supplements could cause a problem.

Although it doesn’t happen often, some people have taken so much calcium that it causes hypercalcemia, an above-normal level of calcium in the blood. Hypercalcemia may cause nausea, vomiting, confusion, and other neurological symptoms.

Related Magnesium and Constipation

Food sources of magnesium are generally a source of fiber. Fiber is useful to prevent constipation because it can absorb water in large enough quantities in the digestive tract, so that the feces become soft and the pressure in the colon is reduced.

Magnesium is a macro mineral that the body needs to normalize blood pressure and affect the performance of the hormone insulin, so the disease can be controlled hypertension and diabetes. It turned out that magnesium also expedite the process of defecation.

In nature, magnesium is often encountered as part of the leaf chlorophyll, which is at the core of the chlorophyll. The role of magnesium in the chlorophyll of plants similar to the role of iron in the hemoglobin of human blood. Magnesium is also involved in several metabolic processes. In humans, about 60 percent of 20-28 mg of magnesium contained in bones and teeth, 26 percent in the muscle, and the remainder in soft tissues and body fluids.

Magnesium increases water in your intestines which help initiate peristalsis (the wavelike motion which moves fecal matter through your intestines). Peristalsis also pushes food into your stomach.

The laxative effect of magnesium appears to come through two different mechanisms: Magnesium relaxes the muscles in the intestines---this helps to establish a smoother rhythm that helps eliminate constipation.
Magnesium also attracts water---this increased amount of water in the colon serves to soften the stool, helping to make stools easier to pass and thus removing constipation.

Since your intestines will be absorbing this excess water from your body it is very important to drink plenty of water after taking Magnesium. This will keep you from becoming dehydrated.

Is Banana Cause Constipation?

But if the banana is consumed immature, it can lead to difficulty in bowel movements or constipation.

Actually, bananas contain pectin and identified as a source of fiber. Consume a banana can donate 15 percent of the overall intake of fiber needed by the body. Maturity of bananas also determine whether the bananas consumed can cause constipation or not.

Potassium is found in ripe bananas can help alleviate the condition of diarrhea because it serves as an electrolyte replacement is needed by the body, while frukto oligosaccharides found in bananas can inhibit fermentation in the intestinal tract and help prevent constipation for some particular cases.

But if the banana is consumed immature, it can lead to difficulty in bowel movements or constipation. Raw bananas will be much more difficult to digest by the body and it is bitter because they contain tannins. Besides this type of banana also contains starch that many conditions that contribute to constipation.

Person should not consume more than two bananas per day, it is recommended to keep the bowel movements remain healthy. Start with the consumption of one banana a day to see if it affects the digestive system or not.

Define Constipation

Constipation is a condition where a person is having difficulty in bowel movements or infrequent bowel movements.

Constipation is a disorder of the digestive system, where someone is having hardening of the stool, making it difficult to remove, and can cause great pain for the sufferer.

Lack of physical activity and too little fiber in the diet is a cause that is often found in chronic constipation. Vegetables, fruits and whole grains are good sources of fiber. To be able to work well, fiber must be consumed with large amounts of fluid.

While psychological factors play a role in acute constipation or chronic constipation. Patients with constipation have hard stools, which may be difficult to remove. Patients also felt the rectum has not completely empty.

If constipation is caused by a disease, then the disease should be treated. If no other disease as the cause, prevention and best treatment for constipation, is a combination of exercise, diet rich in fiber, and the use of appropriate medications for a while.

What temperature is considered that you have a fever?

The high temperature is not always a symptom that you are considered a fever. Although the temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is considered normal, many people who remain healthy, despite the level of body temperature above the average temperature. In general, anyone who has an oral temperature of more than 99 degrees F may be considered to have a fever.

However, body temperature is always fluctuating up and down, the temperature usually reaches its lowest point in times of morning and highest in the afternoon or evening. This type of thermometer you use to measure body temperature, also makes a difference. Rectal thermometer is usually much more accurate, and the reading is higher, compared with an oral thermometer.

Taking the temperature of the body in the mouth after you drink hot coffee, or soup, can be misleading because you tend to think of getting a fever than in normal circumstances (not drinking beforehand).

Other factors that normally affect the temperature of your body including:
• Wearing too much clothing
• Exercise
• Hot or humid climate
• Hormones (high levels of progesterone can increase the temperature, so the lower a woman's body temperature is increased following ovulation)

If you already get rid of the factors that allegedly misleading diagnosis, and your temperature range from 99 degrees F, you can already be considered a fever.

Call your doctor if the fever...
• Attack of children aged under 6 months.
• In case of a child, when the temperature exceeds 101 degrees F orally or 102 degrees F in rectal and this number did not want to go down within 48 hours after efforts to reduce fever.
• Lasts four to five days (especially in the case of adults)
• Coupled with other symptoms, such as stiff neck, sore throat continuously, diarrhea, cough, vomiting, lethargy or earache.

Usually the fever is less than 104 degrees F are harmless and require no special care. But if fever makes you uncomfortable, or remain high more than 104 degrees F for long periods of time, you have to be careful.

To help reduce fever...
• Drink fruit juice, water and fluids other complementary
• Shower and wash your body with the foam with the water temperature lukewarm (about 70 degrees F).
• Do not wrap yourself in layers of blankets or heavy clothing
• Avoid excessive exercise

How to lower a fever?

They caution, that fever is the body's natural mechanisms to fight disease and lower fever can make the pain so much longer.

One of the things that make parents anxious and scared is when the child's temperature suddenly increased rapidly. Without delay, the parents would tend to bring their children to the hospital.

According to a study report of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggested that parents do not act too quickly. They caution, that fever is the body's natural mechanisms to fight disease and lower fever can make the ill so much longer. AAP recommends, parents are encouraged to do special treatment, if the fever began to make the child feel uncomfortable.

Sometimes parents think if they lowered the fever children, the children will sooner the better, but fever is a sign of disease, and it is way to slow down the body expel germs for them. Fever is one of the triggers to produce more white blood cells. If you make the fever go down, then your child may not make enough white blood cells needed to fight infection. Families need to remember that when a child has a fever, it is a symptom, not a major problem. Fever may be beneficial, so parents need to look carefully what caused the fever, not the fever itself.

Still according to the AAP report, which was published in Pediatrics in March, suggesting instead to dwell on the thermometer, parents better attention to the child's behavior to decide whether it should give fever-lowering drugs or not.

If your child is eating and drinking well and still do some activity, although not as active as in normal times, and the children looked a little uncomfortable, why do you have to eliminate the body's natural defense mechanism?

However, once your child is listless and generally uncomfortable, then the pain-reducing medication and fever, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, may be used. Give medication in accordance with the instructions and dosage indicated on the packaging or consult with a physician in accordance with the age and weight of the child.

APP prudence warned well in drug delivery, because it is very risky and could be life threatening. Because in previous research about half of the parents proved to not give the right dose to their child.

Parents are encouraged not to give anti-fever medication adults to children, even though the tablet is divided or broken up smaller by getting the right dose. It is important to use a special drug for children and according to the dose or measuring tools provided.

AAP also warns parents not to give aspirin because it is identical with the potential risk of life-threatening, the condition called Reye's syndrome. The AAP also recommends not to compress with alcohol because too much alcohol can be absorbed by the skin. In general, the AAP report stated parents should be vigilant and contact the doctor if the following occur.

• Infants under 3 months has a fever of 38 degrees Celsius or more
• Infants between 3 to 6 months with fever 39 degrees Celsius or more
• Children older than 6 months with fever 39.5 degrees Celsius or more
• Young children with fever accompanied by fatigue, lethargy, headaches, skin rashes, difficulty breathing or dehydration.

Does teething in children cause fever?

Often we find children who are teething, have a fever. Actually, teething does not need cause to be followed by fever, then why did this happen?

Parents believe that when a child is teething is usually accompanied by the emergence of a fever. And children who grow teeth do not have to have a fever, because fever may arise indication of infection.

Parents often blame a variety of diseases that arise as a result of growing new teeth, including a fever. But the study found that the teething process causes no changes in body temperature.

Fever in children occurs when body temperature rises to 38 degrees Celsius, which indicates the presence of infection. But if the temperature reaches 39 degrees Celsius or more then an advanced indication of a serious infection.

While the symptoms that appear in children during teething vary widely, some children do not have Whatever the reaction, but most experienced swelling in the gums and cheeks are flushed.

Inconvenience that may arise in children when treated with a gel that can deliver drugs ease the pain when the tooth grows. But if the baby is breastfeeding then avoid its use because it can create numbness and difficult infant feeding.

When the teeth will grow, children feel discomfort in the gums, and the instinct for gnawing will appear along with teething.

The instinct to bite is not really a problem, it will stimulate the release of mechanically stimulate teeth and jaw growth.

Problems may arise because parents generally can not completely control what is bitten by children. The object is dirty or harsh and sharp so it will hurt the child's gums will cause an infection of the gums. It would be better if parents give you something to bite and can provide benefits, such as special biscuits for toddlers, or rubber toys from chewy to bite without hurting the gum, but must be kept clean.

If a child finds a fever, give the child febrifuge are sold freely, do not forget to pay attention to dose according to age. If the fever does not go down in three days take the child to the doctor to get proper treatment, do not give antibiotic therapy without the advice of a doctor.

Sabtu, 19 November 2011

Identify rheumatic fever symptoms

Rheumatic fever symptoms will vary, depending on the part of the body are inflamed. Rheumatic fever is an inflammation of the joints (arthritis) and heart (carditis).

Rheumatic fever usually occurs due to strep throat. Rheumatic fever is not an infection, but it is an inflammatory reaction to infection, which affects various body parts (eg joints, heart, skin).

The risk of rheumatic fever will increase the nutritional status of poor and crowded housing. The possibility of rheumatic fever in mild streptococcal infections are not treated is about 1 in 1,000; whereas in more severe infections up to 3 among the 100.

Rheumatic Fever Symptoms

Rheumatic fever Symptoms will vary, depending on the part of the body are inflamed. symptoms usually occur a few weeks after the sore throat, is caused by streptococcus disappeared.

The main symptoms are:

• Joint pain (arthritis)
• Chest pain or palpitations (heart pounding) because carditis
• Shock / twitch outside of awareness (Corea Sydenham)
• Skin rash (erythema marginatum)
• Small lump under the skin (nodules).

The initial symptoms are most frequently found is joint pain and fever. One or several joints suddenly become sore and painful when touched. Joints may also appear red, felt warm and swollen and may contain fluid. The most commonly affected are the ankle joint, knee, elbow and wrist; sometimes also attack the shoulder joint arthritis, hip and small joints in the hands and feet. If the pain in the joints disappeared, then there will be another pain in the joints, especially in children who did not undergo rest breaks and not getting the anti-inflammatory drugs. Sometimes joint pain is very mild in nature. Fever arise suddenly and simultaneously with the onset of joint pain; fever is down-up. Joint pain and fever usually lasts for two weeks and rarely lasted more than a month.

What is Chronic illness definition?

Chronic illness is defined as medical conditions or health problems associated with symptoms or disabilities that require long-term
(Smeltzer & Bare, 2001)

Chronic illness is a biopsychosocial phenomenon. Chronic illness usually occurs in old age and the condition has persisted for quite a long time (Lueckenotte, 2000). Chronic illness is a disease that affects more than 3 months. Chronic illness is a disease or condition whose symptoms lasted more than three months, and in some cases during the life of a person's recovery is slow and sometimes not total (Mckenzie, 2007).

The Cause and characteristics of chronic illness is uncertain, has multiple risk factors, requiring a long duration, causing malfunction or incompetence, and can not be cured.

Chronic illness is not caused by infection or pathogen but by lifestyle, risky behaviors, exposures associated with the aging process.

Chronic illness tend to cause damage that is which shows a permanent reduction or disappearance of an ability to perform various functions, especially the function of skeletal and musculoskeletal sensing organs. Chronic illness can not be cured but severity can be minimized by changing the behavior, lifestyle and exposure to certain factors in life.

More than 90 million Americans live with chronic illness (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC). Sixteen percent of the cost of medical care costs for chronic diseases. Chronic illness are also a significant cause of mortality of 70% of total deaths in America.

Is whooping cough contagious?

100 days cough or whooping cough (pertussis) is highly contagious and generally affects children, but no less affected adults.

This is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. These bacteria will interfere with the respiratory system, nose, throat, trachea, and lungs. Pertussis is spread through the air by direct contact from splashing saliva or mucus from the patient during coughing. In addition to highly contagious, the disease can also cause serious complications and even deadly, especially in infants.

Symptoms of children suffering from whooping cough, are coughing ending barrage of shrill voices, accompanied by a runny nose and fever. Because the cough occurs repeatedly, the patient may run out of oxygen, consequently face becomes bluish, sometimes convulsions, and even bleeding.


Whooping cough can basically attack anyone, if attacked teenagers and adults the disease is not too dangerous, but in infants and toddlers have a lethal risk. Therefore infants under 18 months are advised to be hospitalized to receive supervision.

To cure whooping cough, requiring macrolides class of antibiotics, such as clarithromycin or azithromycin. Drug, is not recommended given. However, because it was feared that severe pertussis cough can cause a child deprived of oxygen (because he had not had time to draw breath between coughing), then the drug should be administered antitussives. To prevent dehydration, patients also need to be given fluids intravenously.

In the course of time, the ability of a vaccine to protect most probably be reduced so that the vaccine needs to be done again. Addition, people with whooping cough need to be isolated to prevent contagious. Although the name cough 100 days, but this does not really fit 100 days, could recover more quickly or cough longer. Therefore the patient should see a doctor expert in the field of Respirology.

Honey For Sore Throat Remedies

When mixed with ginger juice Honey can be used to treat a sore throat. In addition, honey also believe it can prevent, and as anti-tumor that can assist in the prevention of this cancer because of carcinogens substance it has.

Honey also contains antibiotic substances that are useful for defeating pathogens causing infectious diseases. Anti-bacterial properties of honey helps fight infection in the injury and action of anti inflamation can reduce pain and increase circulation which influence the process of healing.

Honey is also nutritious refreshing the body, eliminating the lethargic and weak. The researchers believe, honey can be used to heal various injuries including burns, leg ulcers, and wounds after surgery. Efficacy was obtained from the content of hydrogen peroxide can kill germs and prevent the other bacteria growing Recommend Honey as medicine has several advantages, including safer to use than a drug that contains chemicals, as well as a safe natural treatment.

Honey has activity as a mild disinfectant, so it can heal sore throats. This sweet liquid can also increase production of saliva or salivary fluid that can help overcome a dry or irritated throat. A glass of warm water mixed with lemon and honey is a traditional herb commonly used to scrape the sore throat. For that drinking tea or warm lemon water mixed with honey can be an effective way to reduce sore throats and suppress coughs, so that one can get a better sleep quality.

The Best Tea For Sore Throat Remedies

Green tea mixed with lump sugar  are  the best sore throat herbal remedies that are effective. Drinking green tea with lump sugar, useful to reduce sore in the throat.

It also helps the lungs to recover the local conditions, dry throat, to be more comfortable. In addition, from all the sugar, especially lump sugar of the most efficacious, can increase endurance. Sugar also increases the body's ability to fight the sore throat. Therefore, a person with acute sore throat, recommended adding a sugar cube in green tea. However, the dose of sugar to note if you are diseased diabetes.

In addition to drinking green tea and sugar cubes on a regular basis, people with sore throats should also consider the following things:

First, for healing are encouraged to eat "cold foods". Avoid eating foods that contain garlic, pepper, white wine and other sharp spicy food. These foods tend to cause irritation of the digestive tract, even, to make sore throat worse.

Second, if you consume these foods above, Balance with eating fresh vegetables and fruits. Pears, sugar cane, watermelon, radish, pumpkin, dates, lotus roots, melons, bananas are good for sore throat.

Third, multiply to consume protein to increase endurance. A person's immune system is directly related to the problem of sore throat. Thus, patients with this disease should add a high-protein foods, like fish, shrimp, meat, and milk.

Dealing with noise anxiety

If you are suffering from noise anxiety, here are some steps to help you out. Some people are much more sensitive to noise than others. While some people can stand to sleep or study at a house near the highway, and while some people can do their jobs while the noise around, there are also others who develop anxiety when there is too much noise pollution in the vicinity.

The sound
One of the biggest sources of anxiety noise is the sound of people talking around you. Although there are some situations where noise is inevitable, like when you are in a crowded school or in a conference hall, you also have to tell others that you work with every day that you get the noise anxiety. Most people will willingly lowered their voices when they know that someone has anxiety noise. Sure, you can not expect the entire town shut down just because of noise concerns you, but in many cases, it will be enough to quiet down the people from the workplace or at home.

The volume

Next, is also a sensitive piece of equipment and gadgets around you. Home entertainment systems and the systems become affordable and powerful music. Many people have their own sound system, and many homes are equipped with luxury homes and a strong system of entertainment. If you are suffering from noise anxiety, you should make sure that you lower the volume of sound system in your home or in your car. If your neighbor plays loud music, you can talk politely that you are naturally sensitive to loud noises.

Soothing voice
When background noise is bringing you down and trigger anxiety your noise, you should also consider masking the foreground soothing voice. For example, you can play soft music or classical music. There is also a soothing voice recordings, like the gentle rustling of leaves, birds sing softly, or the sound of waves gently lapping the shore. Playing this on your music player, even at low volumes can effectively mask the background noise.

Special audio gear
If you really have to concentrate on a particular project or work, or if you want to be able to control the sound with you wherever you go, consider buying some special audio equipment that will allow you to play soft and soothing music with almost no background noise offensive . There are in-ear head sets and noise canceling earphones that are specifically designed to eliminate the noise completely.

Finally, also consider your environment. If you absolutely can not stand the noise, try to choose a quiet and natural environment with houses far apart within. With this in mind, you should be able to deal with noise anxiety.

Jumat, 18 November 2011

Understanding Anxiety vs Depression

Anxiety and depression is something different, although equally associated with emotional disorders.

There are similarities between them but there are also differences that make them unique. Knowing more details about the differences and similarities between anxiety and depression are very useful, before asking for help psychiatrists. That need to be understood, anxiety will be present at all times, it takes a human to survive.

Anxiety manifests as fear and worry emotions and physical sensations of chest pain, nausea, rapid heart beat, blood pressure and digestive system slows down. When they occur, symptoms are most often quite natural.

Hippocampus and amygdala of the brain is the place where the anxiety comes. Because it is part of our genetic makeup, anxiety is a natural response.

Thing that concerns us today is that although anxiety is normal, if there is too much in our lives, this is not something good. When depression mixed with anxiety, this condition usually requires investigation as a medical problem.

Sometimes crawling on your depression. For example, you may find yourself in the midst of depression after experiencing extreme terror or fear of anxiety symptoms.

Then there are situations in which you live with constant stress. Depression is also a result of living with anxiety for years and did not get help or treatment to reduce anxiety.

Depression and Anxiety Treatment
Your doctor may also prescribe an anti-convulsant such as Depakote [R] to go along with anti-depression medication you may be taking. He or she may also prescribe Lithium to help reduce your anxiety. What matters is this: if you're suffering from depression and anxiety involved in therapy. Check with your mental state can help to alleviate the cause of your pain.

Overcome Dehydration in Infant

The main actions that you should do to cope with infant who are dehydration is as soon as possible to replace body fluids that much out.

The liquid that you provide can be plain water, fruit juice, ice cream, or other liquid forms. Importantly, given the type of fluid in accordance with the health condition of the baby's body. For example, if he has a cold, do not give away ice cream.

When infant should be taken to the doctor? When the infant diarrhea and vomiting. If he had diarrhea and vomited liquid remains you have provided, then the body will remain dehydrated. This situation obviously should not be allowed to drag on. Typically, doctors will replace the baby's body fluids via a drip.

Tips to avoid. Preventing is always better than cure. Here are some things you can do to avoid dehydration in your infants.

• Familiarize your child to drink regularly every day, especially if the infant a lot of activity. Fluids consumed should be set to vary.

• Children should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. You can give in the form of a combination of different types of liquids, such as fruit juices, fresh fruits, soups, and others.

• Give your infants a drink before starting the move, such as playing in the yard.

• Stay give drink to the baby, even though he is not very thirsty.

• Do not give children drinks that contain caffeine, such as iced tea and cola type drinks containing soda, especially when the infant was jealous enterprising activities and lots of sweat. Why? Caffeine can increase the burden on blood flow. As a result, the blood was so thick and sweat production was reduced.

• When the hot air and hot weather, stop for a moment the child's activity. If possible, do it for several times. While resting in a cool, let your baby eat a variety of fluids.

• Give first aid, in the form of ORS solution, if the baby is vomiting or diarrhea

Identify Causes Dehydration In Infants

There are some health problems often experienced by infant. One of them, dehydration or lack of fluids. So, recognize the symptoms of dehydration and proper way to handle it. Generally, children are dehydrated from lack of drink or less a lot of fluid that is inserted into the tiny body. This may be due to the baby is too busy playing that I forget to drink.

Besides the lack of fluid, there are also other causes of dehydration in infants, including:

• Flu or a cold. Dehydration can occur when the baby was sick with the flu or a cold. Although not frequent vomiting and did not pee, he will still feel weak as people hunger and thirst. Typically, this happens because he refused to eat or drink.

• Fatigue, even if your baby is not too much to play and get enough sleep. This occurs due to how much you sweat or energy that comes out.

• Infected with the virus that causes vomiting and diarrhea. Even though your baby does not pee back and forth, getting enough sleep, and fatigue are not playing, he could have become dehydrated from vomiting and diarrhea are experienced.

Beware of chronic dehydration symptoms

Symptoms of chronic dehydration can cause dry skin, wrinkles and can harm the liver, joints and muscles.

Did you know that dehydration occurs when as many as 1% or more of the weight of our body loses fluids? When viewed from the reduced amount of fluid from your body, dehydration can be categorized into mild dehydration, moderate and severe.

Mild dehydration

Dehydration of the initial level is not difficult to overcome. Although fluid loss occurs relatively mild, (usually characterized by reduced 1-2% of body weight). However, this level of dehydration can cause the body work less efficiently. Although mild, early stages of dehydration has some risk to the health of our bodies. But it does not need are concerned, because mild dehydration can usually be overcome by replacing the lost fluid.

Moderate dehydration

This level of dehydration occurs when the body loses fluid as much as 3-5% by weight. If this occurs, the strength and endurance can decline significantly, even the main effect is the body will experience a high level of fatigue. If the dehydration of this kind occur constantly, it will result in chronic dehydration can affect kidney function and lead to kidney stone formation. In addition, chronic dehydration can also cause dry skin, wrinkles and can harm the liver, joints and muscles. Not only that, other effects of dehydration is that it can lead to cholesterol problems, headaches, high blood pressure (hypertension), fatigue and constipation.

Severe dehydration 

Occurs when the fluid level in the body lost more than 5% of body weight. Dehydration is very serious will happen when the body loses fluid as much as 10% or even more than the weight of the body. If not treated quickly, the level of dehydration can be very dangerous. To overcome this type of dehydration, required hospitalization or intake of fluid injection into a blood vessel to restore body fluids that have a lot missing.

Keep in mind that thirst is not a good indicator for the symptoms of dehydration. If you're thirsty, it is likely that dehydration effects that you experience. To know the symptoms of dehydration in adults, the following indications:

Dry mouth (xerostomia),
Chapped lips or dry,
Dry eyes,
Decreased elasticity of the skin,
Sweaty hands and feet,
Severe headache,
Confused and sensitive,
Loss of appetite,
&Burning sensation in the stomach,
Feeling "empty stomach" or pain in the abdomen,
Limited urine and dark with a strong aroma.

Not only occurs in adults, dehydration can also occur in infants. Infants who are dehydrated usually looks pale and his eyes glazed. Other symptoms can also be seen from at least urine is released by your baby. Check also the crown of the baby or so-called Fontanelle. Be careful, if the fontanelle looked sunken, then your baby is dehydrated! This examination can be seen in infants aged 12-18 months, because at that age the baby crown will usually be close.

Is whooping cough easy to contagious?

Yes it's true, Whooping cough is easy to contagious. The bacteria are spread through a salivary fluid that comes out when coughing or sneezing.

These bacteria can also spread from hand to nose when the hand has been in contact with the bacteria. For example, if your child has been infected and you rub their nose with a tissue and wipe your nose the other kids, you have a bacterial infection spread through your hands.
70-100% of people who lived in the same house with the patient will usually be infected with whooping cough.

Whooping cough is a respiratory tract infection (infection of the lungs) which causes attacks of coughing repeatedly. The infection is caused by a bacterium called Bordetella pertussis. Pertussis is another name for whooping cough. The disease is particularly serious if there is in infants aged less than 6 months. Babies are usually with whooping cough need to be hospitalized. Children and adults can also suffer from this disease. Usually children and adults affected by whooping cough will not look sick, but they could have a cough for weeks. There are immunizations to prevent whooping cough. Children who have been immunized can still get whooping cough but usually not serious.

Whooping cough is very contagious. Often other family members or others who frequently come into contact with patients are also infected. Whooping cough is highly contagious during 3 weeks before and 3 weeks after the cough begins. If your child is given antibiotics, they can still transmit the infection of the disease until they have been taking antibiotics for five days. Antibiotics should be given to all the people who live in the same house or who make contact with your child while they are in the transmission.


Complete immunization of children is the best way to control whooping cough.
Vaccinations given to children ages 2, 4, 6 months, and at the age of 4 years.
All parents with children aged under 8 years should check whether their child's immunization schedule has been on schedule and ask your doctor to immunize children left behind.

Croup cough treatment in children

Croup cough treatment is usually conservative. Children should be given enough rest, intake of fluids and nutritious foods. Although croup cough treatment can be done at home, for more serious cases, should be treated by medical personnel.

The first croup cough  treatment is bed rest. A child with respiratory problems like that will experience symptoms such as constant coughing and sneezing. He must be feeling tired. Limit the child from performing activities that are not necessary, is done to save energy and to the recovery process.

Flu symptoms in the early stages such as fever and cough will force the body to consume more oxygen. As the immune system works to fight the disease, cells and tissues that make up this system using more oxygen to make efforts to be added.

A child with Croup Cough  need to drink more fluids. In this disease, there will be an accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract. As one of the croup cough treatment, the liquid will act as a natural mucolytic to thin and break down the buildup of mucous secretion. After the mucus thinner and too humid, it's easier for people to spit the blockage in the throat. Drink an additional supply of food in body fluids against the microorganisms present in the system.

Another thing that is no less important in the croup cough  treatment is a nutritious food. Foods rich in vitamin C and A are very good, this will strengthen the body's natural immunity. Citrus fruits like oranges and berries are rich in vitamin C. Other fruits such as kiwifruit and papaya are also rich in this vitamin. Foods that have lots of vitamin A such as sweet potatoes and dark green vegetables. Dried apricots and cantaloupe are rich in vitamin A as well.

Other home croup cough treatment like giving the child cold popsicles for a sore throat, letting him inhale moist air and putting him in a comfortable position to ease his breathing are effective too. Just make sure not to use a steam vaporizer as this could risk burning the kid.

For symptom relief, fever, body pain and cough medicines can be given. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen medications can help alleviate the usual low-grade fever a kid with Croup Cough encounters. Paracetamol could be administered for pain as necessary.

Cough Treatment

When it comes to over-the-counter cough drugs, it is not really advisable, as it does not relieve the cough that comes with the condition. If guardians are decided on giving them to the kids as croup cough treatments, they should opt for the non-narcotic kind. Administering narcotic containing antitussives will simply aggravate the difficulty of breathing the child may already be experiencing. This could also ask the level of consciousness of the kid that needs to be observed to ascertain the progression of the Croup Cough.

Moderate cases of this disease will have worse inflammation of the airways. This usually is countered by administering steroids. When the inflammation is severe that it has completely blocked the air passage, the child is immediately rushed to the emergency room to be given epinephrine. The mechanism of action of epinephrine is it dilates the bronchial tubes of the respiratory system.

In addition to knowing the signs and symptoms, it is vital to be aware of the appropriate croup cough treatments for Croup. Considering that the younger population is typically affected here, prompt resolution is very important.

Between Asthma and Gerd (gastroesophageal reflux disease)

There are several theories put forward about the relationship of gerd and asthma include: Stimulation at esofagolaringeal reflex, reflex of the distal esophagus stimulates the vagal reflexes that cause bronchoconstriction (reflux theory). Another mechanism is reflux esfagobrokhial; acid from the esophagus could stimulate acid sensitive receptors in the upper respiratory tract, causing bronchospasm.

Gastroesophageal reflux was found in 45-89% of patients with asthma, this may be caused by esophageal reflux, refluksesfagopulmoner and the smooth muscle relaxant that is betha adrenergic group, aminophylline, inhibitr phosphodiesterase causing Esophageal LES incompetence. The clinical presentation of gerd is a sour taste in the mouth, heartburn, and disfagi. If the substance of the pharynx and mouth reflux will cause laryngitis, hoarseness and aspiration pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis and chronic asthma.

The researchers still disagree about the treatment of gerd can reduce the dose of the treatment of asthma and improve lung physiology. The goal of treatment is to treat asthma and gerd esfageal while reducing reflux and protects esophageal mucosa. Asthma and gerd should be treated together to avoid more serious complications.

Knowing reactive airway disease in children

Reactive airway disease in children is usually caused by infection, viruses, allergies to environmental stimulus. Air pollution could be one of the main causes and not contagious.

Symptoms similar to asthma caused. Children with this disease will have swollen due to respiratory irritants, This will cause the narrowing of small airways in the lungs. As mentioned in asthma emedicine, Asthma is a chronic disease that attacks the respiratory tract where there is inflammation in the lung cavity wall bronchiale causing constriction of the airways


Some of the most common symptoms of asthma include: Coughing. Cough usually occurs at night, early morning, when the weather is cold, and during exercise. Breath that sounded like a whistle are also having trouble breathing.

Asthma symptoms will last for 2-3 days, or even more. After an asthma attack improved, the child will need a reliever attack (reliever) 3-4 times per day until coughing and wheezing disappeared.


The cause of asthma is often not known.  It is often runs in families. And Type of asthma may be associated with other conditions such as eczema (eczema) and allergies. Some triggers of asthma attacks are as follows: Flu. The most common asthma triggers are respiratory tract infections caused by viruses. Viral infections are common in children about 6-8 times a year. If a child susceptible to asthma, he will experience wheezing and coughing at these times.

Viruses can not be killed by antibiotics, because antibiotics were not required at this asthma attack. Physical activity, weather changes, tobacco smoke, fleas were found in house dust, pollens, pet. Asthma attacks can be prevented by avoiding triggers. Therefore, if the trigger is known, these triggers should be avoided wherever possible.


In most children, asthma can be controlled with proper medication. Two types of drugs used in children are: Attack reliever. This type of medicine works fast and is useful in acute attacks. An example is Ventolin. This type of medicine called a bronchodilator (broncho-: airway, dilator: who makes the width). As the name implies, these drugs dilate the airways that narrow more easily through the air. These provide an optimal effect by inhalation (inhaled through the nose). In acute attacks, the child will need Ventolin every 2-4 hours. If your child needs more than the dose, you should contact your pediatrician.

Kamis, 17 November 2011

3 Classification Types of Asthma

Based on the cause, asthma can be classified into 3 classification types, namely:

1. Extrinsic (allergic)

Characterized by allergic reactions this classification of asthma caused by factors specific trigger, such as dust, pollen, animal dander, drugs (antibiotics and aspirin) and fungal spores. Extrinsic asthma is often associated with the presence of a genetic predisposition to allergies. Therefore if there are specific trigger factors such as those mentioned above, there will be extrinsic asthma attacks.

2. Intrinsic (non allergic)

Characterized by the presence of non allergic reaction that react to triggers that are not specific or unknown, such as cold air or it could be caused by respiratory tract infections and emotions. This classification of asthma attacks are becoming more severe and frequent over time and can develop into chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Some patients will experience asthma combined.

3. Combination of both

The most common form of asthma. This classification has the characteristics of this form of allergic and non-allergic.

As mentioned in asthma emedicine, Asthma is a chronic disease that attacks the respiratory tract where there is inflammation in the lung cavity wall bronchiale causing constriction of the airways. Asthma is most common in developed countries, especially those high air pollution levels from either fumes or dust.