Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

How to get rid of cold sores in one day

You may not get rid of cold sores in one day, but it can reduce the severity and duration. The first step should be done is how to recognize signs of cold, so it can take appropriate action. Sneezing, runny nose and sore throat are some of the signs. Fever, headache, pain throughout the body and incredible fatigue.

For cold, try to get vitamin C 1000 mg, which can increase the activity of the immune system in just over 5 hours. If you have a cold, consult a doctor to obtain prescription drugs that can prevent the virus, multiply inside the body, if taken within 48 hours. Minimize symptoms and reduce the duration of illness between 1 or 2 days. Vitamin C and beta carotene is an antioxidant that the exterminator Powerful virus, and is often found in food. Antioxidants stimulate immune, and helps the body fight disease and infection.

In addition, multiply the consumption of water. If under normal conditions you consume 6 to 8 glasses a day and then when the cold then you should increase water consumption up to 10 cups. Water can wash away the virus from your body in various forms such as sweat and urine. Cold is a symptom of a disease that has stages of the throat, head and chest. But it is not sequential stages. It could be your first hit on the head or throat.

When you first hit in the throat, then you can gargle with hot salt solution to relieve the symptoms. You just set up a glass of hot water (80 degrees Celsius) and half a teaspoon of salt. Then the solution of the salt in hot water and gargle for five minutes. After that you are advised not to drink cold water. Do 3 times a day. If you've gargled salt solution, then you prepare a handkerchief that has been soaked in cold water then put it in a flannel cloth and then wrap the neck as it compresses the head.

However, if you suffer a cold begins with a headache that is not less painful, you need to do is soak the feet with hot water. With so blood will smoothly into the head so that it can relieve tightness.

In addition, other ways that can be used ie inhaling steam. you need to prepare, among others, newsprint or cardboard, then cook using a pot or water pitcher. Then bring the folds of paper that make up the pipe with a pot or pitcher. By inhaling steam, nasal congestion will be lost. The way it can be done after soaking the feet.

If you are lucky the symptoms of colds in the chest with a cough and fever. Then the use of heat in the chest will help you. Quite easy, do as you did in the throat.

First wash cloth with hot water, then prepare a towel to cover your chest. Then put the cloth that had been washed onto the water was chest then cover with a towel. Allow it to heat loss. If you need to do this three times before bed. When finished, rinse off with a towel. Then advised to go to sleep.

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

Dry Nose Remedy

Dry nose can greatly interfere with a runny nose, and although it is not worth worrying about, dry nose may indicate a rare but serious syndrome that interferes with the production of mucus and saliva. If left untreated, can cause eye problems, reproductive and other problems.

Dry nose is also a fairly common sign of the use of some types of medications used to treat nasal congestion, asthma, and conditions related to the other's nose. These include antihistamines, nasal sprays, and bronchodilators, especially those containing antropin muscle tension-reducing medication.

If your nose is very dry and cracked, you may experience a rare condition called "empty nose syndrome" is usually found in people who have undergone major sinus surgery or other nasal surgery for medical or cosmetic reasons.

Dry Nose is not a disease, and therefore its remedy is simple and easy. Below are some remedies to help moisturize the nasal membrane:

• Drink more fluid, water, and juices, around eight glasses each day, or eat fruits that have high water content. Hydrating the body tissues is important.
• If the dryness is a side effect of antihistamine medications, request the doctor if there is a chance that the dosage can be cut back or completely stopped.
• Saline-based nasal spray can keep the nose’s skin moist.
• A humidifier can be used in the home or at work to spray some moisture in the air.
• Dabbing the inside of the nose with cream or petroleum jelly can prevent cracking of the skin and prevent further discomfort.
• Excessive alcohol, caffeine, and salt can cause the mucous membrane to dry out, reduction of its intake can be quite helpful.
• Nothing will ever beat exercising. The moisture taken in when working out will help hydrate the nasal membranes.

How to heal a sore throat?

How to heal a sore throat? Most of the causes of sore throats are viral, not bacterial that can be cured by antibiotics. So basically, to heal a sore throat can be done using natural ingredients, without drugs.

• If your sore throat is severe, until the voice disappeared, do not worry. Treat with eating half cooked pineapple fruit. Then peel them clean, but do not be washed, then shredded and filtered to take water. drink!

• Take 1 tablespoon squeezed lime, mix 1 tablespoon grated ginger juice, add 1 tablespoon of honey, stirring until smooth, then drink. Do this 2 times a day (morning and night) a few days, surely your throat will feel better soon.

• Compressed your throat with a cloth soaked in warm water. You could also try a mixture of warm chamomile tea: Mix 1 tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers in 1 or 2 cups boiling water, let stand for 5 minutes. Insert a clean cloth or towel into the tea, squeeze the water, then place it into your throat. Lift the cloth when it's cold and repeat until you feel better.

• Salt plaster may also help reduce pain. Combine 2 cups of sea salt into 5 or 6 tablespoons lukewarm water. Its salt should be moist but not too wet. Put the salt in the middle of a dish towel, then scroll through and tutupkan laps around the neck. Cover with a dry cloth or other dry dish towel. Let until you feel comfortable.

• Try to inhale steam to relieve pain. Circulate hot water in your bath place, then put a towel around your head to block the steam, lean into the bath water drain while still hot. Inhale deeply through your mouth and nose for 5-10 minutes. Repeat several times a day.

• Coconut oil is a natural antimicrobial. This oil can kill all kinds of pathogenic organisms when consumed or applied to the body. Warm 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil and massage into the body once or twice a day. In addition, can also be used when cooking. Coconut oil is a source of energy for the body.

• Sugar weakens the immune system and aggravate the disease. Therefore, it is better avoided. Processed foods containing refined carbohydrates, trans fats, additives that are harmful to health also has the same effect. So, it is better to avoid them.

• The body spends a considerable amount of energy to digest food. Therefore, you should avoid heavy meals and replace them with soup, vegetable or lemon juice without sugar. That way the body can store more energy and use it to fight the disease. This type of fasting diet like this will speed recovery.

Another thing to note to heal a sore throat

• Use pain relievers to relieve sore throat
• Gargling with warm salt water
• Drink plenty of fluids
• Increase consumption of vitamin C that can be obtained from fruits and vegetables
• Consumption of foods rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, fish oil, olive oil, and avocados are also good for sore throat
• Reduce pain in the throat in a natural way, ie drinking a glass of warm milk mixed with one teaspoon of honey
• If a chronic sore throat, cut the things that cause irritation such as the use of the humidifier by your bed
• Quitting smoking
• Reduce drinking alcohol

Sore throat from allergies

There are three causes sore throat. Respectively due to infection, irritation, and from allergies. Symptoms may include pain in the part, difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing, coughing, and fever.

Allergies from food can cause a sore throat reaction. In addition, the sore throat is often experienced by those who are allergic to certain fruits and processed products, such as juice. Be careful, not all the juice is safe for people who experience recurrent sore throat, because of allergies. Frequent coughing and sore throat. Most often it in tomato juice.

Cooking oil, also a frequent cause of allergies and cause sore throat. People who are allergic to cooking oil should always change the oil every time you fry.

Allergy is a hypersensitivity reaction to people who have it. This can be caused by various things, such as food and beverages, certain drugs, weather, and dust. Substances that cause allergies are called allergens. If this is entered into the patient's body, your body will release substances that cause allergies. Consequently, certain reactions, such as itching, cough, or sore throat.

Some people have a history of allergy to some foods or beverages such as: nuts, eggs, fish, fried food, soft drinks, alcohol and ice. Some are allergic to dust, animal dander, cold weather and so on. Compounds of allergy-causing substances (allergens) will be recognized by the body as foreign. It can not be treated because it is inherited from birth. The best way to avoid allergic reactions is to avoid the cause and improve or maintain endurance. The better the endurance, the lower the sensitivity levels that cause reactions, such as allergies from sore throat.

Magnesium and Migraines Facts

Magnesium may be a miracle mineral for migraines sufferers. Although it does not help everyone, taking magnesium supplements every day can help prevent migraines. Research has shown that these supplements may help relieve migraines due to menstruation.

Magnesium is a mineral essential for several functions in the body, including the heart, bones and muscles. It regulates the blood vessels in operation, reduce pain and calm the nervous system, which may help relieve migraines. It also can help reduce stress by acting on the sympathetic nervous system and can regulate blood sugar levels, which are two trigger migraines.

And more importantly, magnesium will affect the production and regulation of serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical produced by the body and is necessary nerve cells and brain to function. Many people are deficient in magnesium because foods high in sugar and fat, which prevents their absorption into the body. People who suffer from migraine usually have below normal levels of magnesium.

Migraine is a disease that attacks the head, all this time you may treat this simply by taking migraine drugs. But for now you can relieve your migraine sufferers of migraine by using natural ingredients and you do not need to consume There are several types of natural materials are recommended for consumption because it contains magnesium, which can relieve migraine are:

1. Potatoes: Headaches that arise due to sober, not only due to dehydration but also because of the loss of electrolytes such as potassium. Therefore, eating foods rich in potassium may help relieve headaches. Potatoes contain more potassium that is 100 grams, while the baked potato (with skin) contains up to 600 mg of potassium.

2. Bananas: Bananas are not only rich in potassium but also magnesium (bananas medium containing 10% of your daily intake recommendations). Magnesium can relieve your migraine and headaches due to stress. Numerous studies have linked between magnesium deficiency and migraine headaches. Research shows that about half of all migraine sufferers have ionized magnesium in the blood in small amounts.

Magnesium, which contained in bananas, protecting the body from migrain by relaxing the blood vessels. In addition, magnesium has a calming effect so it is useful to relieve tension headaches. Apricot dry, avocados almonds, cashews, red rice, nuts and seeds are other food rich in magnesium.

3. Coffee: Caffeine in coffee is useful as it is dangerous for the victims of a headache. Caffeine is a substance common in prescription and free medicines for headaches because it can relieve pain and 40% more effective in treating headaches. Caffeine also helps the body absorb headache medications more quickly, making the drug more quickly to work. Caffeine can be a headache reliever that is very effective, especially migraines, but if taken too much can create headaches recur. Thus, it is recommended remedy drink coffee no more than 2 or 3 cups per day.

4. Cereal grains: If you live a low carb diet, you will begin to drain the main source of energy for the brain, the glycogen reserves. It also makes the body lose fluids quickly, causing dehydration. Dehydration along with the reduction in energy to the brain can lead to headaches. If you eat foods that sound like a carb (whole grains such as wheat breads, wheat cereals, oatmeal, and fruit), not only can repel head pain but also improve your mood.

5. Watermelon: Dehydration is a common cause of headaches, then consider mengasup drink plenty of water and water-rich foods (like watermelon). Fruits are rich in water also contains essential minerals, like magnesium, which is key to preventing headaches. You can also try a sports drink berelektrolit if you may get headaches after exercising for a long time since losing a lot of minerals in the body.

6. Fish: Fatty fish (like salmon, tuna, and mackerel) is useful as a remedy for migraine headaches because it is rich in essential fatty acids, omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids can inhibit the inflammation that often trigger migraines. If you can not eat fish every day, not to worry. You can take fish oil supplements and adding foods such as flaxseed, walnuts, tofu, and soy beans for extra omega-3 in your diet.

7. Sesame seeds: are rich in vitamin E and can help stabilize estrogen levels and prevent migraines during your period. In addition, sesame seeds are also rich in magnesium, which in turn will help prevent headaches. Other foods that contain high amounts of vitamin E, among others, nuts, olive oil, dandelion, wheat, and sweet potatoes.

8. Ginger: In addition to being a cure for nausea, ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine is also useful to combat headaches. Cook ginger or combine with other beverages such as tea

By consuming foods that contain lots of magnesium will help you relieve your migraine pain. But if this was not enough, you can add by taking magnesium supplements

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Do tumors hurt?

Do tumors hurt? Tumors can cause hurt and also no sense whatsoever, depending on the location of the tumor, whether close to the nerve or not.

Can the tumor can be lost by taking herbal medicines? If the tumor size below 1-2 cm, with consuming herbal medicines may help to shrink the tumor.

If not surgery on, what would be harmful? In general, the tumor will not turn into cancer.

1.5 cm tumor in the breast, is it still can be removed without surgery? if you do not want surgery, the hospital provided treatment by freezing, burning the tumor, and others.

Lingering cough after cold

Lingering cough after cold is a cough that occurs more than 2 weeks. The cause of lingering cough is most often obtained is the process of non-specific or due to food allergies. Clinical manifestations in the form of complaints of cough, stuffy nose, without or with accompanying shortness repeated. Complaints tightness usually occurs in people with asthma.

Lingering cough after cold, usually occurs at night and early morning or arise during activities like running, crying or laughing out loud. Usually the complaint is a long recovery, although it has been treated.

Lingering cough after cold has a risk of allergy, especially in children, is already detectable at birth, early birth often seem sneezing, and watery eyes are often cold like respiratory congestion or audible breath sounds. The latter, often mistaken for the cleaning of the airway at birth, less clean, but the cause is the production of excessive fluid in the airways (bronchial hypersecretion).

Breath sounds usually will disappear after the age of 3 months. If your baby has signs and symptoms, the parents should be aware that the child will be at risk for respiratory allergy. Children are at risk often have a cough and colds, especially at the age of 6 to 2 years.

At the age of the larger, usually arising complaint lingering cough. Shown in the child's cough is often small, or sometimes just like clearing his throat. Complaints that happens is intermittent, sometimes without any complaints treatment may be lost themselves. Other complaints can occur after a stubborn cough, acute respiratory tract infections. Such infections usually will heal within 5-7 days.

But in the case of an uncontrolled allergies often not improved more than 2 weeks, even up to several months. Although it has been taking various antibiotics or cough medicines. Coughing will occur at night, or waking in the morning, after the late morning to evening, the complaints usually subside. Coughing will arise when the child is increased activity such as running, laughing out loud, or crying. This lingering cough may be categorized as asthma.

Home remedies for runny nose

The most excruciating disorder, when a cold is a runny nose, home remedies may be one way to solve this problem. One way you can do is to consume lots of water to drink, to keep moisture from the tissue around the sinuses and nose. The water content is enough to prevent the occurrence of infection, or if it already exists then the infection will not keep his condition worsened.

Also, avoid the trigger too, because sometimes a runny nose and congestion is only an allergic reaction to certain materials such as dust, dirt, animal dander and pollen of flowers. Use allergy medications if it is not possible to avoid it.

The rest, runny nose and nasal congestion must be addressed in different ways. A runny nose is relatively easy to overcome, while nasal congestion a bit more difficult because they have to thin the mucus in advance to be more easily removed.

To cope with a runny nose, the way is as follows:

1. Remove with a slowly
Remove excess mucus slowly so as not to cause excess pressure on the eardrum. Do it as often as possible, if the skin is chapped nose because it is often pressed with a finger, apply petroleum jelly or baby skin moisturizer.

2. Use anti-allergy
If that is triggered by allergies and it is impossible to avoid the trigger, use anti-allergy. Sometimes anti-allergy drugs can also relieve runny nose caused by flu, non-allergic rhinitis and sinusitis.

Meanwhile, a stuffy nose can be overcome with more or less the same way with a runny nose, just because the mucus is thicker then the more difficult issued.

1. Inhaled menthol vapor

The hot water is enough to produce steam that can relieve swelling in the nasal mucous membranes, resulting in the production and decreased mucus viscosity. Although not much scientific evidence, empirical evidence suggests that the addition of menthol aroma and eucaliptus could strengthen the effect.

2. Do light exercise
If not accompanied by fever and there is still a little effort, do a little exercise. Physical activity triggers the release of adrenalin which will relieve the swelling of mucous membranes, which produce mucus in the respiratory tract.

3. Use lozenges
Decongestants or lozenges work by addressing mucosal swelling, and blood vessels are clogged breathing, although the effect.

Staccato Cough

Staccato cough, cough that does not stop, can be accompanied by dyspnea. In addition to the occurrence of persistent cough can cause rupture of small blood vessels in the cornea with clinical manifestations of hematoma in the sclera.

Other symptomatic form of vomiting, and intra-abdominal pressure also increased intra thorakal. Hernias can also occur due to the influence of pressure there. For adults occur chronic coughing.

Complications that can arise from this pertussis pneumonia (lung infection), otitis media (ear infection), ensefalopathie, until the patient could die.

While coughs are often a sign of illness, the type of cough can help a physician narrow a diagnosis. This is especially true when it comes to pediatrics. In children the specific type of cough the child is suffering matters greatly. This is because both causes and treatments for adult coughs are different from those of children. Additionally, a staccato cough can indicate one kind of disease that a barking cough doesn't.

Fever in toddlers

Fever in toddlers is a frequent problem happened, and not the least we as parents easy to panic so directly to the pediatrician and hope for a speedy recovery. Actually, if we knew what it was fever and how to overcome them, not always we have to go the doctor.

What is Fever

Fever is a condition when your toddler's body temperature reached more than 38C and the process consists of three phases,
• Shivering until body temperature reaches its peak
• The temperature settled
• The temperature decreases.

Fever is also a mechanism of the body to fight disease, due to high body temperatures can kill the virus (which can be increased in number at low body temperature). So better not to treat low grade fever.

Increase in body temperature caused by the circulation of small molecules in our body called pyrogens (substances trigger the heat). This substance is also useful to mobilize white blood cells to the site of infection and the occurrence of this increase could be due to pyrogens,

• Infections
• Non-infections, such as allergies, teething, malignancy, autoimmune (an error "program" in the body where the organs of our body alleged to be "enemy" and attacked by our own immune system.

Between the two causes above, the fever is more often caused by infection, can by bacteria or viruses and in most cases (more than 75%), infection is caused by a virus, especially the baby and toddlers.

So it can be concluded that the fever is not a disease but a symptom, and symptoms will not disappear if the cause is not addressed. So when the child is given febrifuge, in a few hours the heat up again, this happens because the hot-lowering drugs do not cure the illness.

Then what is the use fever-lowering medication? the point is to lower body temperature, so that body temperature does not continue to increase and so that children feel comfortable (pain killer), but not to normalize body temperature! Once again please remember - fever is not an illness - symptoms and fever are the most important - look for the cause.

If the cause is a viral infection such as colds or flu, the remedy is simply time. Do not give antibiotics because antibiotics can not kill the virus

How to overcome fever

• Drinking a lot because fever can cause dehydration.
• Compress the child with warm water.
• Give febrifuge, acetaminophen or paracetamol or paracetol, tylenol, according to dose. When febrifuge given? When the temperature is above 38.5C, or if the child is uncomfortable. Let's not give fever medicine if the heat is too high (below 38.5C).

The principle in dealing with fever

Below are the things we should do if the child has a fever as recommended by the Mayo Clinic USA and AAP) American Academy of Pediatrics):
• Find out the cause of fever.
• Do not panic! generally fever, not life threatening.
• Observe the child's behavior.
When the temperature is too high the child is still cheerful, active and want to play, then we need not panic.
• Do not give fever-reducing medication when the fever is not high.
• Knowing when to worry and call the doctor

When to call the doctor?

Below is a guide created by the American Academy of Pediatrics:
• If your baby in less than 3 months old with body temperature reaches 38C or more.
• When babies aged 3-6 months with body temperature reaching 38.3C or more.
• If baby & children over 6 months old with body temperature reaches 40C or more.
• Do not want to drink / have become dehydrated.
• Crying continuously.
• Sleep continuously.
• Seizures
• Shortness of breath, restlessness, vomiting or diarrhea.

Is the stomach flu contagious?

Stomach flu is caused by norovirus, and can be contagious quickly from one person to another. Seafood and salad is a medium that favored viruses. Employees in daycare, elder care, should be more vigilant against the spread of the virus, often referred to as Norwalk virus or Caliciviruses.

Symptoms of stomach flu revolve around disorders of the gastrointestinal tract such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and pain that wrapped around. Diarrhea and vomiting can lead to dehydration and headaches and fever may reach 39'C, ordinary blindly between 24 hours to 48 hours after consuming food or beverages.

Norovirus typically causes a mild infection that is lost within a few days so not much to pay serious attention. Unless complications occur, however, should not ingest any drugs, including antibiotics. It is recommended for drinking water supply or replacement of lost fluids.

While soft drinks, fruit juices which contain lots of sugar should be treated as an alternative beverage.During experiencing stomach flu, we must consume food normally as possible due to a balanced intake helps speed healing.

Avoid foods that contain excessive sugar and fat. Likewise, spicy foods, alcohol and coffee, at least for two days, until all complaints vanished. How to guard against contracting the virus lodged in the stomach like most toddlers and parents, is to maintain cleanliness. From start to self-sanitizing, food and toilet.

Can dehydration cause headaches

Dehydration also causes headaches either acute or chronic. In severe cases, dehydration can cause a person's risk of fainting and even death. Dehydration or loss of body fluids in large quantities can lead to a variety of disorders including brain functions such as: decreased concentration and thinking power.

For you who do not know much about dehydration, the following is a simple explanation of the causes and symptoms of dehydration. Coupled with ways to prevent headaches due to dehydration.

Headaches due to dehydration can be caused by several factors, such as:
• Lack of water intake, especially after physical exercise and in hot weather.
• Migraine, throbbing headaches that occur in one or both sides of the head is usually accompanied by nausea, coming shortly after a meal or strenuous activity in hot weather. Perspiration causes water in the body drained.
• Intense throbbing headache on both sides of the head, appears accompanied by intense thirst, nausea, fatigue, sensitivity to light, and diarrhea. This causes the body to lose water supply.
• Chronic headaches are accompanied by intense thirst and excessive urination in diseases such as diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, impaired kidney and adrenal gland.
• Dehydration caused by vomiting, diarrhea, caused by heavy menstrual bleeding, burns, heat stroke, the intake of caffeine and excessive alcohol, drugs diuretics, antihistamines, or calcium channel blockers. All these conditions cause the water in the body was drained and discarded.
However, headache is not the only symptom of dehydration. Sometimes symptoms of dehydration can be seen from the appearance of dry and sticky mouth, feeling tired and weak, dizzy, dizzy vision, dry skin and wrinkles, dark urine, and constipation.

Preventing Headaches Due to Dehydration
To prevent and treat headaches due to dehydration, the first thing to do is find the cause. Dehydration can be caused by diet, environmental temperature, physical activity, disease, or drugs that you consume. Well, here is a common way to prevent dehydration, namely:
• Drinking enough water.
• Consumption of fruit and vegetables as an additional water intake.
• Avoid strenuous physical activity in hot weather.
• Avoid consumption of alcohol or excessive caffeine.
• Reduce coffee and black tea.

Dehydration is a serious condition that needs attention. So, from now on notice and give your body more attention especially to meet the water needs proportionately. Begin drinking one glass of water every 30 minutes to prevent dehydration include headaches that accompany it prevents.

Coffee & Constipation

Coffee can cure constipation.

Is true if the caffeine in coffee can stimulate the digestive system in order to contract the muscles, but the coffee could help cure constipation because of its diuretic properties that actually triggers the body to urinate frequently (when the body needs water in order to 'disposal' smoothly). So if you are constipated, better stay away from diuretic beverages such as alcohol, caffeinated tea, and cola.

What is constipation?

Said to be constipated, if the frequency of bowel movement fewer than three times a week, or if the form of hard stool and a small round object. This condition is caused by too long a stay feces in the colon, so the hardened feces. One sign of constipation is we have a lot of straining during bowel movements, or have long waiting for 'something' out.

How to get relief from constipation?

• Drink warm water, if constipation occurs in the morning.
• Drink plenty of juice or fruit juice.
• Perform with shower spraying water directly into the anal region, to stimulate spending feces.
• Use liquid laxatives are directly inserted into the anus. Although somewhat effective laxative liquid than other types, still do not use more than 2 weeks.
• Add the consumption of water you drink today, at least 2 more glasses per day.
• Stop caffeinated drinks, like coffee and tea, milk, and soft drink, until normal bowel movements again.
• & If stubborn constipation, consume a fiber supplement every day, as part of the diet.

Orange diarrhea

Orange diarrhea can be caused by food or supplements which contain orange food coloring, food with artificial yellow or orange coloring, or foods such as carrots, cilantro, collard greens, fresh thyme, kale, sweet potatoes, spinach, turnip greens, winter squash.

Another reasons for passing orange diarrhea are Supplements and medications that can cause orange-colored stools include those containing beta-carotene (sometimes found in vitamin A) and aluminum hydroxide (which can be found in antacids).

If you can't attribute your orange diarrhea with anything you ingested, then it may be caused by a lack of exposure to bile salt. Stool starts out as green, and then turns to a yellow-orange in color before being exposed to bile and bacteria which turns the stool brown.

Low exposure to bile salt can be caused by a couple different factors. First, your transit time is so fast that your stool is being pushed through your digestive system too quickly. This quick movement of stool reduces the exposure to bile salt resulting in orange diarrhea.

Toddler diarrhea treatment

Toddler diarrhea treatment needs to be known by the parents, if your baby or toddler experiences a sudden change in bowel movements than usual, both the frequency / amount of waste water into and out frequently in the consistency of liquid rather than solid, than it is diarrhea.

A newborn baby will generally defecate more than ten times a day, and greater baby will have the time of each bowel movement, there is a day 2-3 times a day, or there are only 2 times a week. In other words you need to know what is normal for your baby or toddler from their bowel habits.

Because the most common cause of diarrhea is a virus, then there is no treatment that can cure, because it usually will heal by itself after a few days. Then the diarrhea treatment is intended to treat existing symptoms and prevent dehydration or less liquid. Diarrhea can be cured only by continuing the provision of food as usual and beverage / liquid enough alone.

To remember the treatment is not given medicine to stop diarrhea, since diarrhea itself is a body's defense mechanism to remove the contamination of food from the intestines. Trying to stop the diarrhea with a drug such as clogging of pipeline that will come out and cause back-flow and will exacerbate the channel.

Because the process of this diarrhea is a defense mechanism of the body, will heal by itself after a few days - (14 days) which contains more diarrhea - from water (watery), its frequency is reduced and recovery. The most important thing in the diarrhea is to prevent and overcome the symptoms of dehydration.

Baby or toddler diarrhea treatment

• Continue Provision of Mother's Milk
• Note the cleanliness and balanced nutrition for the provision of complementary feeding after the baby is 4 months old.
• Since the transmission of direct contact of feces through hand / insect, then keep clean by making hand washing for the entire family. Wash hands before meals or provide food for your toddler.
• Remember to maintain the cleanliness of food or beverages that we eat. Also cleanliness dining furniture or your toddler play equipment.

Contact your doctor if:

• Diarrhea accompanied by blood, need specific treatment with antibiotics.
• The signs of dehydration (no tears when crying, urinating less or no urine in 6-8 hours, dry mouth)
• The high heat (.38.5 C) which does not fall within 2 days.
• Vomiting constantly - can not enter the food / ation.
• The presence of abdominal pain - colic, the baby or toddler will cry strong and usually bend the legs, sweating and restlessness.

Foamy diarrhea

The most common cause of acute diarrhea is due to a virus. The symptoms are diarrhea-water stools, foamy diarrhea, no blood or mucus, and smells sour.

Diarrheal disease transmission is contact with infected feces directly, such as:

• Foods and beverages that have been contaminated, either already contaminated by insects or contamination from dirty hands.

• Playing with toys contaminated, especially babies often have their hands in their mouths or anything because the virus can survive in the air until a few days.

• Use of contaminated water source.

• Washing and use of milk bottles are not clean.

• No washing hands thoroughly after defecation or cleaning the feces of infected children, thus contaminating held tools.

Foamy diarrhea also could indicate various other maladies, including IBS, parasitic infections and gall bladder disease. If gall bladder disease is the problem, the foamy diarrhea is often yellow or green in color and can burn coming out of the annus.

Teething diarrhea

Moreover, by believing in excess of the myths that tend to mention the children who have diarrhea as a sign of teething. Parents should be more responsive and do not underestimate the toddler diarrhea.

In general, it is said that symptoms of teething or tooth Eruption has symptoms that vary, for example the relationship teething with diarrhea, however, of which there are symptoms, the researchers tried to find the symptoms that are directly related to teething, and try to eliminate the symptoms that just happen to occur simultaneously.

Most studies have successfully linked teething with increased biting, drooling, gum rubbing rubbing, sucking, irritability, decreased appetite, to solids, often rubbing the ears. Several studies have blossomed linking teething with a fever, but fever is an average temperature below 38 ° C, aka mild fever, while other symptoms such as cough, runny nose, difficulty sleeping, especially diarrhea, is generally not found a relationship.

Although some parents claim their babies become a fever or have diarrhea when the teeth have started to grow, most experts agree that teething does not cause pain. If your child shows symptoms of fever, runny nose or mild stomach problems, bring ​​to pediatrician. For some children are lucky, the event is not teething less painful. One moment your baby often grinned while showing off toothless gums, at other times, all of a sudden there has been a white object that emerged from the surface of the gums.

The definition of diarrhea is the frequency of bowel movements more than three times a day with soft or liquid consistency and is generally accompanied by vomiting. Diarrheal diseases caused by bacteria (eg. Campylobacter ) viruses, fungi or parasites resulting from the consumption of foods that are not sterile, such as bacteria contaminated food, spoiled food, expired food, milk lactose levels that do not correspond to the sensitivity of the child, and so forth.

Questran for diarrhea

Questran is used to treat diarrhea, as excess bile acid in the intestines can lead to loose stools. In particular, patients who have had their gallbladders removed may find that they have bile-related diarrhea, as bile is normally stored in the gallbladder.

Questran comes in powder form and is mixed with water or another liquid before swallowing. It is very important to follow all directions from your doctor when taking Questran, as it might prevent the absorption of vitamins if taken long-term, which could have serious health effects if not taken into consideration.

As with all drugs, please do not rely on the information on this page or any other website for medical advice - always consult a doctor with any questions, and make sure you read all instructions carefully.

Alcohol & Diarrhea

Alcohol may make dehydration worse. Drinking too much alcohol too often may cause problems that can lead to having chronic diarrhea.

Alcohol irritates the lining of your bowels even if you don’t have IBS, but for those of us that do (%20 of the population by many estimates), that irritation can lead to belly pain, diarrhea or even constipation. That’s right, alcohol can cause constipation as well as diarrhea.

Patients are suggested to stay away from food and drugs that can cause increase in intensity of diarrhea. Physicians suggest following a healthy diet in portions in whole day. Milk, alcohol, certain type of antibiotics etc. substances which increases the problem should be avoided.

Diarrhea, as we all know, is a condition in which we experience frequent watery stools (loose stools) as against normal smooth stools, in other words its increase in the liquid substance in the stools accompanied with increase in stool frequency. Diarrhea can be looked at as one of the symptoms for many types of bowel/digestive system related diseases or itself is a disease under various conditions.

Toddler s diarrhea

Many things can cause diarrhea in your toddler, it could be due to parasites, bacterial or viral infection, antibiotics, or food. Viruses that cause diarrhea are the most widely rotavirus. Diarrhea in toddlers should be addressed because if not treated, diarrhea can cause dehydration of the body which can be fatal.

Diarrhea is a common disease found in your toddler. According to WHO, diarrhea definition  is a bowel movement in liquid form is more than three times in one day, and usually lasts for two days or more. Sometimes parents often wonder whether toddlers experiencing diarrhea. In children, the consistency of stool more attention than the frequency of bowel, this is because the frequency of bowel in infants more often than adults, can be up to five times a day. Frequency of bowel that often in children is not necessarily to say diarrhea if stool consistency as the days in general. A mother can tell when their children get diarrhea, and depending on the situation of children.

Bacteria such as Shigella, Vibrio cholerae, Salmonella (non thypoid), Campylobacter jejuni and Escherichia coli could be a cause of diarrhea in your toddler. Your child probably has diarrhea caused by bacterial infections if they experienced a very severe diarrhea, followed by seizures, blood in the stool, and fever.

Infections caused by parasites can also cause diarrhea. Diseases such as giardiasis. The disease is caused by microscopic parasites that live in the intestines. Symptoms of giardiasis include a lot of gas, which is very much feces and foul smelling, abdominal bloating, and diarrhea.

If your child or toddler has diarrhea during antibiotic usage, this may be related to treatment that is being lived. Antibiotics may kill the good bacteria in the gut during treatment. Consult your doctor about this. However, do not stop treatment on your child until the doctor gives approval.

For toddlers who are still breast-fed, continue to drink milk. For children who already do not drink milk, eat and drink as usual to replace lost body fluids. Give oralit to replace lost body fluids. Please note for parents about the correct way of giving oralit. Drink little by little, two to three sips, then stop for three minutes. This must be repeated continuously until one glass oralit exhausted. Drink one glass at a time can lead to vomiting and defecation.

Immediately consult a doctor if diarrhea for more than 12 hours, or if your toddler is not wetting the bed within 8 hours, body temperature over 39 ° C, there is blood in the stool, dry mouth or cries without tears, and extraordinary drowsiness or no the response.

Coffee And Diarrhea

Coffee can cause loose stools from irritation in the bowels but spicy food will not cause diarrhea, coffee should be avoided because it can prolong the condition or make it worse.

Coffee can cause irritation in the digestive system. Some people can tolerate more coffee than others. If coffee consistently causes loose stools, stop eating them until you can be seen by a physician. Too much coffee can cause bloating, gas and abdominal pain.

Coffee, tea and soda are common places to find caffeine, which can also be found in chocolate, gum and even some bottled water. Caffeine speeds up the body systems, including digestion. Some people are more sensitive than others, but too much caffeine can cause diarrhea.

Coffee has the same effect with tea and chocolate, compounds contained in it, is the class of xanthine. Group Xantin adrenergic effects on the gastrointestinal tract are sympathomimetics which would hamper the work of smooth muscle in the gastrointestinal tract.

As a result of inhibition of smooth muscle work, then automatically the contraction of gastrointestinal muscle is reduced, then "feels clogged". But if the effect is up, and still there is an antigen that has not been issued, it will return diarrhea.

What is diarrhea definition?

Diarrhea definition is a bowel movement (defecation) with fecal fluid or semi-liquid form, thus the water content in the stools more than normal defecation once that is 100-200 ml. According to WHO diarrhea definition is bowel movements or watery liquid more than three times a day.

Another say, Diarrhea definition is an increase in frequency of bowel movements or a reduction in the form of stool (greater looseness of stool). Although the changes in frequency of bowel movements and stool concessions can vary independently from one another, these changes often occur in both.

Signs of diarrhea is the frequency of bowel movements more than three times a day with liquid until the consistency is more like water. As for other signs such as fluid and electrolyte loss, sunken eyes, thirst, dry mouth, fever, letargis, and is sometimes accompanied by vomiting. Some of the other senses diarrhea definition, according to some experts is a discharge of superb fecal water and electrolytes.

Early onset alzheimer s symptoms

Patients with early onset Alzheimer's disease in the group are people aged under 60 years (mostly due to genetic factors). Individuals with one of his immediate family with this disorder have a risk of 2X.

Most common Early onset Alzheimer's Symptoms

1. Loss of memory
At first the patient will experience cognitive decline that began with difficulty remembering new information and is easy to forget the newly acquired information. The longer an individual suffering from Alzheimer's, decline in cognitive function is going to get worse.

2. Apraxia
It is characterized by hard working people with a familiar task. Patients often have difficulty in completing daily tasks, which they know.

3. Language disorders
At first the patient would seem difficult to find the right words in expressing his thoughts. The more severe the disease, then patients with speech and or writing so difficult to understand because people use the phrase with the substitution of words that are not commonly used.

4. Visuo-spatial dysfunction 
Characterized by disorientation of time and place. Patients can get lost in the street near her own home, forgetting where he was, how he came to the area, and do not know how to get back into the house.

5. Executive dysfunction
This is because patients with frontal lobe disorder, characterized by: poor problem solving, reasoning, decision making and assessment.

6. Trouble with abstract thinking
Balancing a checkbook can be so difficult when the task is more complicated than usual. However, in patients, they would completely forget how many numbers, and what should they do to those numbers.

7. Patients will put things in place that is not reasonable

8. Moody or behavior changes
Everyone can become sad or moody from time to time, but patients displaying mood swings from calm to fear then became angry suddenly without any apparent reason.

9. Changes in personality
Is an advanced form of moody changes, characterized by symptoms psikitrik and behavior. Patients can be greatly changed, become completely chaotic, full of suspicion, anxiety, fear or become dependent on family members.

10. Apathetic
Patients become passive, sitting in front of the television for hours, sleeping more than usual or not wanting to do activities that are usually performed.

Homeopathy definition

Homeopathy has a definition that some object or thing so the disease, but can be used to treat the disease itself with the prescribed dose.

One proof of this treatment model is the discovery of treatment using snake venom, 'venom' very deadly. However, who would have thought that the snake venom itself can treat the symptoms of poisoning due to venomous snake bites.

This treatment can be categorized as alternative medicine based on science and literature of western medical treatment. Relatively more secure, and no side effects.

With homeopathy, various diseases can be cured, ranging from mild symptoms, until a severe illness. Not only that, mental illness such as depression and trauma can also be cured. Various materials can be used homeopathic treatment. Such as sunflower can be used to cure colds to depression symptoms.

Balloon Sinuplasty Surgery

Balloon Sinuplasty Surgery has been permitted by the American's Food and Drug Administration for use as a treatment for sinusitis.

This technology, together with Balloon Angioplasty for the heart, using a balloon catheter sinus small and supple (flexible) to open the sinus tract obstruction, restoring normal sinus drainage and function. When the balloon inflates, it will gradually change the structure and widens the walls of the channel without damaging the sinus pathways.

This technology can only be used by a health professional who has the qualifications and has completed training that is accredited by the FDA. Outside the United States, currently there are only about 200 ENT surgeons who have been accredited.

Clinical studies prove that the Ballon Sinuplasty Surgery is safe and effective in relieving symptoms of sinusitis. The use of surgical tools or other techniques will usually result in some risk.

This technology uses a small tool, soft and flexible that it can enter entirely through the nostrils. This tool will carefully open the blocked sinus tract, and in many cases this is done without any removal of tissue or bone. Since little or no tissue or bone that is damaged during use of this technology, then the bleeding will be reduced. Thus, the uncomfortable nasal dressing is not really necessary.

This technology is a tool can be used with endoscopy and medical therapy or other sinus surgery techniques. This technology does not limit the choice of treatment in the future if your disease increases. As in the use of other surgical tools, the Balloon Sinuplasty Surgery is still there is a risk, and the results can vary depending on the patients themselves.

H1N1 symptoms in adults

H1N1 symptoms in adults/humans similar to other flu infections:
• Fever
• Cough
• Sore throat
• Not feeling well
• Shivering
• Tired
• Diarrhea
• Vomiting

Symptoms of swine flu happen in three to five days after you are infected with the virus and continue for up to eight days, starting one day before you are sick and continue until you recover.

Since this H1N1 virus is new, everyone has its risks. Health care workers who directly handle the patients involved had a special risk of H1N1 flu. Students school or daycare also has a high risk. Children are susceptible to the virus while at school or while hanging out with friends.

H1N1 flu, better known by the name of swine flu, is a respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses that are found in spring 2009. In this virus contained genetic material from human influenza viruses, swine and birds.

Technically, the term means the swine flu influenza in pigs. Sometimes pigs transmit the virus in humans, mostly workers at the abattoir pigs or pig farmers. The most common is someone who is infected will pass it on to others. You can not get swine flu from eating pork.

Influenza virus infects the cells lining the nose, throat and lungs. The virus enters the body when you breathe air contaminated or exposed to live virus from contaminated surfaces to the eyes, nose or mouth.

Vaccines have been developed to prevent swine flu. The vaccine is recommended for:
• Pregnant women
• Caretakers of children aged less than 6 months
• Health care providers
• Infants, children and adolescents from 6 months to 18 years
• Adults from the age of 19 years to 24 years because many spend time working and traveling.
• Those aged 25 and over as vulnerable to medical complications.

Actions that can help prevent the flu and limit its spread are:
• Stay home if you are sick to avoid transmission to others.
• Wash your hands properly and often
• Avoid contact of the crowd if possible
• Reduce contact with those who are sick

Is pancreatic cancer hereditary?

Although Heredity plays a major role in the emergence of pancreatic cancer (about 10% of cases of pancreatic cancer due to Heredity), but the majority of cancer cases are Caused by poor lifestyle.

American Cancer Society Stated that, about 30% of all cases of pancreatic cancer are Caused by smoking. Too Often consume animal foods, lack of consumption of vegetables and fruits, obesity, and lack of physical activity also increases the risk of this disease.

Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadly disease, Because it is Difficult to detect early and growth is quite fast. Usually the patient will from experience symptoms Such as abdominal pain or nausea. This Occurs Because the tumor growing and pressing on Surrounding organs. Will the increase of pain after eating or while lying down. In Addition, patient weight Will come down drastically due to beat the cancer cells are healthy cells.

Pancreatic cancer also can Decrease the body's ability to digest and absorb food. Other symptoms are yellowing of the skin and eyeballs Because of the high content of bilirubin, the yellow pigment produced by the breakdown of hemoglobin (Hb) in the liver. At a later stage, the patient will of feel itching, nausea, and vomiting to severe depression. Symptoms That Appear That this is a sign the disease has reached a severe level and Difficult-to-treat.

Is anxiety hereditary?

Is anxiety hereditary?

The majority of anxiety related issues are psychological or medical with a very small number of anxiety issues being hereditary. There is some evidence of genetics playing a part in some anxiety related conditions. However the evidence isn't completely clear and our best guess at the moment is that genetics can in certain circumstances play a role in anxiety related conditions.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety disorders are a serious mental illness. People with this disorder usually have great anxiety and excessive, and often times anxiety is paralyzing.

This anxiety disorder is one form of mental illness. The cause can be anything, such as chemical imbalances in the body, changes in brain structure, environmental stress, trauma and phobias, etc..

Diagnosis of mental illness can only be done by a specialist. Not everyone can immediately judge that the person with the symptoms mentioned above it is to experience anxiety disorders. Doctors require research and observations of patient behavior.

This anxiety disorder can be treated with medication, such as providing anti-depressant. Or well with psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, relaxation therapy, or even diet. Usually the experts to help patients to talk and find ways to deal with this disorder.

Streptococcus pneumoniae symptoms

Streptococcus pneumoniae symptoms identified as whole lung tissue filled with fluid and infection spreads rapidly throughout the body via the blood fluid.

Patients infected with pneumonia will be high fever, sweating, panting, and his heart rate increased rapidly. Her lips and fingernails turn blue because the body lacks oxygen.

Pneumonia in adults is most often caused by bacteria, the commonest of Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus). Pneumonia in children most often caused by respiratory viruses, and the peak occurs at age 2-3 years. At school age, pneumonia is most often caused by the bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae.

Actually, bacterial pneumonia is the most common cause is Streptococcus pneumoniae in healthy human esophagus. Once the body's defenses down by sickness, old age, or malnutrition, the bacteria multiply quickly and displaced damage.
, patients will chills, chest pain, and if green mucus coughing. Before too late, the disease is can still be treated. Even for the prevention of vaccine has been available.

For people who are susceptible to pneumonia, breathing exercises and therapy to get rid of phlegm, can help prevent pneumonia.

• Vaccination can help prevent some types of pneumonia in children and adults who are at high risk: pneumococcal vaccine (to prevent pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae)

• The flu vaccine

• Hib vaccine (to prevent pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae type b).

Hantavirus treatment

People with hantavirus are admitted to the hospital, often to the intensive care unit (ICU). Treatments will include: Oxygen, Breathing tube or breathing machine in severe cases, A medication called ribavirin to treat kidney-related problems and reduce the risk of death. There is no effective treatment for hantavirus infection involving the lungs.

Hantavirus is a virus spread by rats. Hantavirus found in the feces, saliva and urine of rats. The virus is transmitted to humans when dealing with rodents (mice and rabbits) are attacked by the virus.
Symptoms in people include fever and muscle aches, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.Symptoms progress to coughing and shortness of breath in-4-5 days after infection.

People who live in areas where hantavirus illnesses have occurred should take precautions to rodent-proof their homes and make outdoor areas as inhospitable to rodents as possible. People who live in areas not yet touched by hantavirus should avoid contact with rodents and be cautious about cleaning up their nests or droppings.

Public health officials emphasize that most tourist activities pose little or no risk, and that travelers need not worry about visiting areas where hantavirus has cropped up. Campers, however, should seek advice locally about avoiding native rodents.

Ribavirin, an antiviral drug, may be of some benefit. But what appears to help most is being hospitalized early, monitored carefully, and treated with life-sustaining fluids and medications that help normalize heart rate and breathing.

Toxoplasmosis Symptoms

Toxoplasmosis Symptoms can last for several weeks until it is reduced, signs may include lethargy, headaches, muscle-joint pain, accompanied by fever.

Although people infected with toxoplasmosis are often unaware of having this disease, typical symptoms of toxo are flulike symptoms including swollen lymph nodes. If your immune system is normal, you cannot get the infection again. Toxoplasmosis Symptoms are usually mild and heal itself within a few months. most people would assume that he had mild flu and not have to go to the doctor. if you go too, the doctor was very rare that thinking towards Toxoplasma infection.

Basically, humans are resistant (immune) to Toxoplasma infection. Although infected, it will not cause disease symptoms. If the body is strong, the infectious pathway to just quiet calm and do not cause Toxoplasmosis Symptoms.

Home remedies for cough for children using honey

Coughing often strikes infants and children. Mother always gave home remedies to relieve coughs, quite simply, is to use honey. When compared with the form of cough syrup commonly sold in the market, or let the toddler coughing at night, honey proved better.

One tablespoon of honey are known to help relieve your child's cough at night and help them sleep more soundly, as published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, December 2007 issue.

Honey is used worldwide as a home remedies for coughing, and is an alternative that is safe and effective for our children as a cough medicine.

There are several reasons honey can be use as home remedies for cough especially for children, quality of sweet honey throat, while the elements of antioxidant honey is also one factor cough. In addition, honey has an antimicrobial effect.

But it should be noted, that honey is not recommended for use as home remedies for infants aged under one year, because of rare but serious risks, which can cause a type of botulism food poisoning. But for children who are larger, in general, honey is quite safe to use. Regarding its use in accordance with the dose of cough medicine recommendations.

Home remedies for cough for children doses.
2-5 years: ½ tsp, 6-11 years: 1 tsp, 12 years and over: 2 tsp.

Campylobacter Symptoms and Causes

Intermittent fever which may be the only campylobacter symptoms infections outside the gastrointestinal tract.

Additional symptoms to systemic infection include joint pain accompanied by red and swollen, abdominal pain and enlarged liver and spleen. Sometimes the infection can attack the heart valves (endocarditis) and brain membranes and spinal cord (meningitis). The symptoms consisted of diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramps, which can be quite severe. Diarrhea may be bloody, and may develop a fever between 37.8 to 40 Celsius.

The typical campylobacter symptoms are nausea (feeling sick), diarrhea, and vomiting (although vomiting does not always occur). The diarrhea can sometimes be bloody. You may also get crampy stomach pains and develop a fever. Symptoms tend to come on within 2-5 days of eating the contaminated food or of being in contact with the contaminated animal. But sometimes the time period before symptoms appear (known as the 'incubation period') can be as long as 10 days.

In most people, campylobacter symptoms are relatively mild and improve within 2-3 days. About 9 in 10 affected people recover from the illness within one week. However, sometimes, symptoms can be more severe and/or complications can occur. If symptoms are severe, dehydration can occur. Dehydration is when there is a lack of fluid in the body. You should consult a doctor quickly if you suspect that you or your child is becoming dehydrated. Mild dehydration is common and is usually easily reversed by drinking lots of fluids. Severe dehydration can be fatal unless quickly treated because the organs of your body need a certain amount of fluid to function.

Asthma emedicine

As mentioned in asthma emedicine, Asthma is a chronic disease that attacks the respiratory tract where there is inflammation in the lung cavity wall bronchiale causing constriction of the airways. Asthma is most common in developed countries, especially those high air pollution levels from either fumes or dust.

Until now the cause of asthma is not known with certainty, even after a lot studies by experts. Theory or hypothesis about the cause of a person suffering from asthma, has not been agreed upon by experts in the world of health. In patients with asthma, respiratory tract have distinctive properties that are highly sensitive to various stimuli such as air pollution (smoke, dust, chemicals), pollen, cold air, food, furry animals, mental stress, odor / aroma stinging and exercise.

• Respiratory sounds (wheezing), especially when breathing out (exhalation). Not all asthmatics have respiratory sounds, and not everyone who heard her breathing (wheezing) is an asthma sufferer!
• Shortness of breath due to narrowing of the bronchi tract.
• Prolonged cough at night or in cold weather.
• Feeling the narrow chest ..
• Severe asthma attack caused people unable to speak because of difficulty in breathing.

At the age of the children, initial symptoms may include itching in the chest cavity or neck. During an asthma attack, a sense of excessive anxiety can worsen the condition of the patient. As a reaction to anxiety, patients will also be spending a lot of sweat.

How to Avoid Asthma Attacks

The right steps can be taken to avoid an asthma attack, is away from the underlying factors that trigger. Each patient generally has its own characteristics to things that trigger asthma attacks.

Treatment of Asthma

Asthma has yet to be treated completely, this means that attacks can occur in the future. Handling and delivery of medicines to patients is an act of the attacks that arise, which adjusted to the severity of signs and symptoms. The basic principle of treatment an asthma attack is by the provision of drugs, both injections (Hydrocortisone), syrup, Ventolin (Salbutamol) or nebulizer (gas salbutamol) to help loosen respiratory tract.

In mild cases where the perceived existence of a complaint that lead to the symptoms of an asthma attack, or to prevent further attacks, the medical team or doctor will prescribe tablets as Aminophylin and Prednisolone. For patients, it is recommended to them to provide / keep inhaled medications (Ventolin Inhaler) wherever they are, who can help loosen respiratory tract where they have the attack occurred.

How long are you contagious with the flu?

How long are you contagious with the flu? Most people may be contagious to others beginning 1 day before flu symptoms develop, and to 5 to 7 days after being ill. Many estimates are often provided for long periods of "contagious" for flu.

The length of contagious, based on earlier reasoning, depending on how long it takes the immune system to respond and how long the symptoms last. However, groups with weak immune systems including individuals immuno-compromised, very young, and parents will generally have the contagious period can last up to two weeks.

Kids may contagious the virus for more than 7 days. Symptoms start 1 to 4 days after the virus enters the body. It means that you may be able to pass the flu to others before you know you are sick, and when you get sick. Some people can be infected with the flu virus but have no symptoms. During this time, people can still spread the virus to others.

People with the flu can be contagious to others until about 6 feet away. Most experts think that the flu virus spreads mainly by droplets created when people with the flu coughs, sneezes or speaks. These droplets can land on the mouth or nose of people who are nearby or may be inhaled into the lungs. Less often, a person may also get flu by touching surfaces or objects that have the flu virus on it and then touching their own mouth or nose.

If toddler coughing at night, Beware of asthma!

Do not take for granted if your toddler coughing at night. Do not assume that a normal thing, it could be a symptom of asthma.

Coughing asthma in toddlers has another characteristic, heavier at night or early morning, and when he wakes up. Sometimes, differences in the intensity of coughing, between day and night is very extreme. By day no symptoms of coughing at all, whereas at night coughing so great. In infants and toddlers, this terrific coughing sometimes followed by vomiting containing mucus.

Because not diagnosed as asthma, when the toddlers coughing at night, given a coughing suppressant medicines (antitussives), and the cough becomes more precisely. "Patients with asthma should not be given antitussives, due to suppression of coughing reflex in asthma would prejudice. Cough asthma will subside if given asthma medication.

The majority of allergic asthma based on a factor. Thus, asthma is one form of allergic disease. In family history, usually encountered family members who have asthma, or other forms of allergic diseases like eczema, drug allergies, food allergies. Derived is the talent of allergy, whereas allergy manifestations can be different.

Other triggers are foods such as ice, food and cold drinks, candy, chocolate, instant savory foods with preservatives, MSG, peanuts. Asthma can also be triggered by the flu, fatigue, stress, excessive emotions, weather changes, acute respiratory infections, and the cold.

Asthma is usually triggered by a combination of various precipitating factors.

Asthma is not curable and the drugs that exist today in fact serve only relieve symptoms. However, by controlling your asthma in toddler, through medical consultation, if asthma is still a mild degree. Your toddlers can be free of asthma symptoms that interfere, so that they can live a good life activity.

There should be a paradigm shift of thinking, if found toddlers coughing at night. First, consider the possibility of asthma in the direction, not towards tuberculosis. The diagnosis of asthma if encountered at, among others, coughing in children with asthma would arise if he is exposed to trigger factors.

How to get rid of a stuffy nose quickly

How to get rid of a stuffy nose quickly? Many drugs that promise to get rid of it quickly at a price that is not cheap. Even if these drugs successfully relieve stuffy nose, but still cause side effects such as dizziness or dry mouth that make them feel uncomfortable.

One way how to get rid of stuffy nose quickly, cheaply and without complications is by inhaling steam. To thin the mucus in the nose and sinus cavity and relieve the blockage, breathe steam.

The way, boil water in a pan and inhale the steam for several minutes. Be careful, do not get too close because it can cause severe skin burns. Sometimes, when there is inhaling vapors that cover the head with a towel to form a tent. This method is also useful to liquefy phlegm in the chest. Bathroom with a steamy hot shower can also relieve breathing.

Another alternative how to get rid of stuffy nose quickly, do eucalyptus oil steam therapy. Take a bowl of hot water and drops of eucalyptus oil to taste. Then place it in your room. The aroma can relieve your breath. Keep in mind, when your nose stuffy due to colds, do not be too frequent use of inhalers. This could make Konka nose becomes small. Even damage the cells in the nasal cavity that could interfere with the functioning sense of smell.