Minggu, 15 April 2012

Does laser hair removal work, Hair Grows in Cycles

Laser hair removal is growing in popularity over electrolysis, waxing and shaving. Removing unwanted hair presents itself as a continuously annoying chore for New York City residents and may even lead to embarrassment. Advanced laser technology is able to prohibit new hair growth with greater precision.

Hair Grows in Cycles

Skin is home to tiny hair follicles all in different stages of growth. The body naturally grows hair in cycles that vary in time length based on individual genetics. Plastic surgeons performing laser hair removal will work with hair developing simultaneously at each stage.

Hair removed by waxing or shaving will return in cycles and require continuous attention throughout life. For this reason, patients are attracted to the more permanent results provided by a skilled plastic surgeon. Laser hair removal is a popular choice among both men and women in New York City for a variety of reasons, including:

- Avoids the pain of in-grown hairs
- Achieves longer lasting results
- Enjoy the appearance and feel of smooth skin

How Laser Hair Removal Works

These lasers target an intense beam of pulsing light down the hair shaft. The aim of other treatments is to remove the hair at the root but laser hair removal targets the hair follicle.

Hair is unlikely to return again once the follicles are destroyed by the pulsing light beam. Patients may feel a stinging sensation as the laser removes the hair follicle but this will be lessened with a topical anesthetic.

Women in New York City report the procedure is considerably less painful than routine waxing appointments. Laser hair removal for women often targets unwanted facial and leg hair. Men who undergo the procedure do so to remove hair from their backs and sometimes their face.

Lasers traditionally perform best for patients with dark hair. Multiple treatments are always necessary due to the hair growth cycle. Hair removal may achieve permanent results with the right candidate.

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