Rabu, 27 Juni 2012

Discharge & Bleeding in Pregnancy, it's normal?

Bleeding Pregnancy 

It is normal to have an increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy, but it is best to discuss with a midwife or other health professional, the type of discharge in case of problems. The underlying causes of vaginal discharge in pregnant women are the same as the causes of those who are not pregnant.
These causes are:

o Hormonal activity,

o the infection,

o non-infectious irritation,

o Cervical ectropion (cervical erosion)

Hormonal activity

It is normal for lead increased hormonal activity with increased normal vaginal emissions. Clear or whitish mucous discharge database known as discharge, non-irritant and mild smelling, can increase significantly during pregnancy. Panty liners can be used to control these emissions increased, but tampons and douching is not recommended because it can cause problems.


Discharges must be irritating smelly, discolored, or bloody be evaluated for infection. This will probably be with the use of cotton swab to suspected what type or types of infection.

The two most common infections are:

o candidiasis (thrush)

o Bacterial vaginosis


Commonly known as thrush or yeast is known, emissions of candidiasis as a whitish or whitish-gray marked with a crumbly consistency similar to cottage cheese and smells like beer or baking bread. These infections occur when the yeast is still present, the appropriate terms and conditions, including pregnancy, are affected and are out of balance with other natural microorganisms. For the treatment of thrush, various home remedies work very well said too. Ingestion or direct application of yogurt help kill the yeast, as well as a lactobacillus probiotic or "friendly bacteria" contain. The use of garlic and boric acid are also said to be effective. Various OTC antifungal agents exist to treat candidiasis:

o clotrimazole (eg Canesten) Although there is no appropriate tests have been conducted in pregnant women (as is common with most drugs), have no negative effects on the fetuses of animals speakers have been found in tests.

o Nystatin (Mycostatin Mikostat example, oral and Restatin) has a similar safety status to the foregoing.

o fluconazole (Diflucan, for example, and Flucand Flucoheal) has not been adequately tested on pregnant animals were women.Tests show no adverse effect and toxicity to the fetus, but would have prescribed the medication, if benefits outweighed the risks.

o ketoconazole (Nizoral creams and shampoos, for example) has a similar safety status to the foregoing.

Other drugs are used in more severe cases, most often in hospitals.
Sugar consumption is a factor that affects yeast infections, and sometimes it is recommended that compromise is a good idea of ​​refined sugar.

Bacterial vaginosis

This condition is also the balance of microorganisms in the vagina together and is not irritating watery discharge with an unpleasant fishy smell. BV is thought to triple the risk of premature delivery, it is particularly important that it is treated. Antibiotics such as metronidazole (eg Anazol and Elyzol) are used to treat BV. This drug has not been adequately tested in pregnant women has not been found, the risks to the fetus in animal studies

Other infections

Trichomoniasis is usually transmitted sexually. Symptoms include pain and discharge greenish-yellow or gray, which is nauseating. It can affect both sexes, including the partners must be treated to avoid, and he came and went. The treatment is usually prescribed with antibiotics.

Chlamydia is also sexually transmitted and sometimes results in relief. It is more common to have very light bleeding after intercourse, and sometimes pain in the pelvic and lower abdominal region.

Always consult a midwife, doctor or nursing, if you have an infection, before considering any action.

Non-infectious irritation

Non-infectious vaginitis irritation, or non-infectious is quite explicit. The symptoms are irritation, itching and sometimes vaginal discharge without having an infection. The causes of this condition can be:

Response to o toiletries, vaginal deodorants, fabric softeners, etc.,

o wear tights, pants, exercise etc.

o sweating,

o wear a wet swimsuit,

o sexual activity.

Treatments for this condition should be discussed with a doctor. Precautionary measures are:

o Wearing cotton clothing

o clean the vaginal area from front to rear, to avoid contamination

o Do not wear too constrictive clothing around the vaginal area

o Do not scratch

o avoid this, the reaction that causes vaginal deodorants, etc.

Cervical ectropion (cervical erosion)

This is a fairly common condition during pregnancy, as it is influenced by changes in hormones. This is a transition from a delicate membrane in the cervical region that contains mucus-producing glands. This can be vaginal discharge with mucous membrane such as the nature and light bleeding which is painless to perform.

The mucus plug

The mucus plug is as a sealant gel inside the neck of the uterus, which protects the fetus against infection by sealing the mouth of the uterus. Expulsion of mucus plug is sometimes referred to as "bloody show". Mucus is usually yellow-brown, sometimes reddish.
With a general increase and thickening of discharge that occur as the pregnancy approaches the labor market may, it can be a lot of mucus, if mucus can be triggers, which is a sign that the labor cost is imminent. Although this may take a few hours, days or even weeks before the cervix is ​​fully open.

Bleeding during pregnancy

There are several reasons why vaginal bleeding may occur during pregnancy. Some of these reasons have already been treated. It is not the experience for women, bleeding in early pregnancy at the time otherwise unheard of them to their menstrual cycle. In some cases this can continue during pregnancy. There may also have bleeding in very early stages of pregnancy at the stage of implantation of the fertilized egg. Bleeding may also occur later on the basis of the placenta embedding itself in the lining of the uterus.

Bleeding in early pregnancy

Could be other reasons for bleeding during the first trimester of pregnancy, miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy are at risk. In the case of imminent miscarriage, bleeding can be brown spots, blood stained discharge or bleeding may be bright red. It could also be abdominal pain. A midwife or doctor should be consulted, whether vaginal bleeding.
The maximum term risk of miscarriage is immediately after implantation. An estimated 50% of all fertilized eggs do not remain in force. This results in many miscarriages go unnoticed as the eggs simply come away with some periods of normal or slightly delayed. An estimated 80% of miscarriages occur during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, often around the time that should be the monthly cycle.

Ectopic pregnancy is where the embryo outside the uterus, is implanted usually in the fallopian tubes. This is a very dangerous situation, if the bleeding is not diagnosed in time may result. Abdominal pain, caused when the tube is distended, tends to occur in the second month of pregnancy, and bleeding from the vagina is also often present. A scan is taken to confirm a diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy.

Bleeding in the later stages of pregnancy

Any bleeding that occurs after 28 weeks is known as ante partum, and could be caused by one of two conditions that are potentially serious.

Placenta previa occurs when some lower streets of the placenta the cervix. This complication affects about 0.5% of pregnancies. Women who are at higher risk of placenta previa are those of the article, cesarean or abortion.

Placental occurs when the placenta is detached from the wall of the uterus. This occurs in about 1% of pregnant women. A key factor in this complication is maternal hypertension.

If bleeding occurs suddenly, should be within the stages of pregnancy, women and precautions must be taken immediately to the hospital.

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