Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Behind the causes of breast lumps

Infections of breast lumps, lesions, growths, or cancer implicated. And benign or malignant breast lumps will be formed under the skin. They will also be temporary and go away with home remedies or more may be permanent and may require medication or surgery to correct.

Mastitis is the most common infectious cause of breast lumps. Cut on the development or areola when breastfeeding mothers, this caused a crack. Obtained by the bacteria into the wound to form a hard, painful lump causes. The pus is a tumor or lesion filling the entire area where the red and becomes infected, leading to cellulitis here.

Nipple piercing can cause lumps in the breast of another infection. Pierce was not used as tools to clean, the bacteria enter the pierced site. Hells to the newly pierced nipple is not kept clean and infection can also occur. Infections with two types of treatment usually consists of the infected area with warm compresses and massages. Chest infection or drainage still occurs, antibiotics are usually prescribed. If the

Breast lumps may be due to injuries. This might be due to an automobile accident, or chest blow, and caused a rupture of blood vessels when the breast. Must be treated with cold compresses to reduce swelling as a result of hematoma.

Due to hormonal changes in a body lonavutundi breast lumps in women of any ages examined. Formations of all Lumpy breast are malignant, but they do not increase breast cancer risk. Most of these lumps are benign, most often to the breast tissue responds to hormonal changes, and it is a natural process. In some cases, a surgical operation to remove the lumps. The identification and testing of the various types of vesicle only by a professional judge of their nature, and this can help in raising awareness of breast cancer in women.

Behind the causes of breast lumps, and their formation can be summarized as the following brief description of -

Fibrocystic changes - the changes in her reproductive years, women will come and chest, or both. Non of these changes are normal and cancerous breast tissue. Affirm the need for a proper description of its benign nature. Vescicles secretion caused by blockage of small vessels. The process of menopause, with a light feel and increases the breast lumpiness. Or by reducing the intake of caffeine can be treated by taking some of the cutting, and contraceptives.

Fibro Adenomas - lump is benign in this kind of mature and usually come in, and pregnant women in the 20-30 age group. The results of these lumps in the high growth in glandular and connective tissue. The lumps, round, firm, rubber, and are painless, as the size of a small-scale Plum. May go away of its own, or removed by surgery. Mammogram and a biopsy can confirm its benign nature.

Vescicles - due to the hormonal fluctuations of these women, the menopause, they may reach. Creating a fountain filled with the tiny spaces filled with fluid from the chest tubes out. Oval shaped lumps, the painful, firm, and pressed down slightly. This will be visible before and after a period of two weeks subsides. Insert the needle through the chest and the liquid is treated by dry out.

Chest infection - a bacterial infection of the breast tissue can also occur if the lumps are formed on the breasts during breast feeding. This condition is known as mastitis, and the bouquet to develop into a tumor. This is usually treated by antibiotics.

Older women after menopause may develop periductal mastitis caused due to the milk ducts. After discharge from the nipple or the nipple is retracted lumps are painful. This situation can not respond to antibiotics, then more research is related to inflammatory breast cancer.

Phyllodes tumor - in nature and are usually benign, these tumors is rare in cases of cancer. The connective tissue in the breasts, and are usually painless. It may require surgical removal, and a needle biopsy to diagnose breast cancer

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