Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

Does aloe vera help acne?

Aloe Vera gel has many purposes. We started to heal burns, skin and digestive problems or even centuries. It is therefore not a surprise to me if someone with Aloe Vera has been mentioned for acne. After all has polysaccharides that are ideal for skin repair. But the question remains - does aloe vera help acne? Do we now have the solution millions of dollars to this dilemma in the world?

I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, but our search for home remedies for the most effective acne end does not disappoint here. is Aloe Vera cure acne ? - Yes and no. As I said,  Aloe Vera has polysaccharides, which serve as building blocks to repair the skin. So yes, aloe vera can help heal the wounds of acne by reducing the inflammatory process and help eliminate or reduce scarring, pimples leave behind. But no, this is not a cure acne itself. As always mentioned by most experts, should be cured acne from the inside, and most topical agents only treat the symptoms of acne.

Although acne can not cure with Aloe Vera, is it not make it completely unusable. It is still extremely effective in curing acne injuries so take a pen and paper, and note the following tips acne Aloe Vera:

1. Make a routine for cleaning your face with aloe vera products. It is best to do the day or night. Consistent and regular use of Aloe Vera can significantly improve the symptoms of acne and scars her.

2. Take an aloe vera gel and the topical application to the afflicted region. The gel works well as a treatment and can reduce swelling and redness of acne.

3. Wash your face once in the morning and again in the evening with a facial cleanser with aloe vera components. There are many soaps and detergents, with aloe vera in their products so that you select, which is ideal for oily to do.

4. Use an acne cream and aloe vera lotion as a moisturizer. Regular moisturizers generally do not encourage the production of oil on the face, moisturizer, but aloe vera.
You can also use aloe vera gel in the night, as a facial mask. Spread it evenly and generously to keep your face before bed and leave overnight. Wash with warm water in the morning after.

5. You might be disappointed to learn that Aloe Vera does not necessarily cure acne. But look on the bright side, at least they can help you get rid of scars.

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