Minggu, 22 April 2012

How to relieve sinus pressure, thing that you can do

If you don't like the idea of going to an acupuncturist and having needles stuck in to help relieve your sinus pain, you can do another alternative treatment that focuses in on the same pressure areas of the body that acupuncture does. This is called acupressure. It will use the exact same pressure points and instead of you having needles put in pressure will be applied to the same areas instead. It's important though that you know where the correct points are in order to relieve your sinus pain.

To locate the pints in your face you will put your fingers on either side of your nostrils and then apply pressure with your fingers. This is one point where you can relieve the pressure that is building up in your sinuses. You can also find other points on the sides of the bridge of your nose and in the middle of your forehead right between the eyebrows.

Another pressure point can be found on the crease of the wrist. You will need to slide your fingers up your forearm very slightly. This pressure point can also be used to help relieve the cold symptoms as well as a sore throat that come with your sinus problems.

The next thing that you can do is to find the spot where your thumb and your index finger come together on your hand. This is the v part of your palm. You then will slide your finger into the depression there and apply some gentle pressure. This is the pressure point that treats both sinus headaches and cold symptoms.

Now that you know where the different pressure points are that work well for relieving sinus pain and pressure you can go ahead and massage all of these areas for anywhere from three to five minutes or longer if need be. Continue the massage until you begin to feel some sort of relief. In order to get the best results it's a good idea for you to massage these pressure points with just the tip of your finger, your knuckle or even use the eraser on a pencil.

Important thing to note here is that if you have a heart condition or if you are pregnant you really shouldn't be using acupressure. Other things to be aware of is if the pressure point is under a mole, near a varicose vein, break in your skin or a bruise you shouldn't do the acupressure either.

Also, if your symptoms continue after you use the acupressure it's probably a good idea to go and see your doctor. There could be something more serious going on like some sort of infection that might require antibiotics.

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